No 3 (2020)
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13-20 407
This comprehensive study deals with identification of economic efficiency of using the calves keeping technology based on the example of three dairy farms containing 1000 or more dairy cows: JSC “Adal”, PF IB "Aidarbayev", LLP “Agrofirm “Dinara-Ranch”, identification of their development potential, assessing the level of production processes. The presented calculation of the profitability of model farms for dairy industry of agricultural sector of Kazakhstan will provide a reasonable transfer and adaptation of technologies for automating production of livestock products in dairy cattle breeding in the republic, contributing to the achievement of goals, objectives and indicators in the framework of the implementation of the State Program on AIC Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021. A systematic approach to determining the performance of model dairy farms is based on system of indicators reflecting production and financial results of their activities. The main criteria are intensity of using forage arable land in centners of feed units per 1 ha, productivity of dairy cows, kg/year, cost of raw milk production, tg/kg, gross income from milk sales, net profit, production of gross output per 1 employee. Such integrated data reflects the efficiency of use of production resources and indicates possible reserves of their fullest use, including in introducing new technology. The authors note the expediency of conducting a comparative assessment of economic efficiency of farms in comparison with model farm that implements the automation of technological processes in dairy production
21-27 333
The purpose of the studyis to study the problems of stopping and preventing the process of desertification of pasture lands in Kazakhstan and development of measures for anticrisis management of cattle grazing territories by introducing a model of automated information management system (AIMS). The authors provide data on the considered issue as part of the implementation of the Program on Combating Desertification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2015. Based on the analysis of the influence of anthropogenic factors on vegetation and soil surface of deserted zone of the republic, it was revealed that its total area is more than 50 mln ha, which has conditioned the relevance and timeliness of the system of measures aimed to overcome desertification of the republic's pasture lands. The results of the implementation of AIMS are shown on the example of a pilot innovation-active territory of administrative district using the public information system (GIS) and cooperation of agribusiness objects based on Smart technologies. Managing the diversity and differentiation of agricultural landscape determines the stability of its balance, self-restoration of potential and resistance to anthropogenic loads. Therefore, when managing pastures, it is necessary to preserve diversity of biotopes, primarily regeneration centers, swampy meadows and pastures, nodal thickening of biota; avoid uniform agricultural relief to maintain the balance of many biotic and abiotic factors in landscape; strive to create interconnected elements of ecological frame of the area, for which the development of appropriate automated information management system is required.
28-34 332
The article examines methodological approaches to economic crises, gives a characteristic of crisis phenomena in economy. The reasons for the development of crisis in agriculture are considered and prerequisites for overcoming it are systematized. The factors of increasing instability of agricultural sector in the context of global economic crisis are analyzed. A number of circumstances are highlighted that determine its negative and positive effects, without which it is difficult to objectively determine the probable losses and predict potential options for the development of domestic agro-industrial complex. Particular attention is paid to structural crisis. The authors conclude that current situation in agricultural sphere does not fall under the traditional classification of economic crisis processes and propose to supplement the methodology of assessing periodic crises by including a systemic crisis. The methodological foundations for diag- nosis of crisis situations in AIC of Kazakhstan have been developed, which represent a set of methods and techniques that allow to determine and study anxiety states in it in order to prevent in the future. The methodology outlines conceptual approaches to assessing crisis conditions of economic systems at sectoral and economic levels. The diagnosis of crisis phenomena is carried out on the basis of comparing critical values of indicators characterizing economic development with their actual values, followed by calculation of integral coefficient of the level of agro-industrial production in the republic.
35-42 497
The key prerequisites for transition of domestic AIC to digital format of work are reflected. The vectors of influence of digital technologies on the development of agro-industrial complex are considered. Digital transformations in sectors of economy - first of all, the creation of a new industry by automating the country's transport and logistics system; the use of communication processes in agricultural sector, industry; e-commerce and improving systems for ensuring safety and availability of digital information, as well as implementation of these methods and techniques aimed to create "smart" cities. The authors note that digitalization is one of the most promising tools for achieving these goals. In addition, it should be understood that agribusiness in decision making is guided by such categories as increasing its profitability, expanding its market share, and increasing capitalization. In this direction, digitalization is one of the incentives for further development, because in competitive markets, any measures that can provide increase in profitability with acceptable level of predictable risk must be studied and implemented in practice. The features of effective digital technologies in agriculture of the republic are analyzed. Low productivity and high costs are highlighted as the key problems of domestic agricultural sector. The State policy of Kazakhstan is aimed at attracting the world's leading brands of agricultural machinery, produced using innovative nanotechnology, to the country, supporting local industries with objectively feasible localization conditions. It is concluded that it is necessary to use high-tech methods to solve the problems of increasing crop yields, animal productivity and labor productivity, and reducing production costs.
43-50 445
The authors note the importance of the topic under study, since important tasks of sustainable development of AIC are being solved at the regional level: investment optimization, production growth, increased employment of the active population, and development of innovative activities. Public support for agriculture and business processes make it possible to ensure the solution of these problems. Data in the field of agro-industrial complex cover macro level (agricultural production as a whole), meso level (intersectoral economic ties of enterprises of various spheres and business activity), and micro level (individual agricultural producers). Calculation data for the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are presented: the population in villages, the ratio between urban and rural residents, growth rate of the rural population, its share. The size of the gross domestic product in the industry is analyzed. It was revealed which regions make the greatest contribution to its development. The indicators of the number of livestock and poultry, volume of main types of livestock products at the regional level have been investigated, since they characterize the provision of food security of the State. Legal framework that determines the reproduction processes in domestic agricultural sector associated with the growth of profitability, production of organic products is highlighted. Regional features, trends and prospects in AIC of the country are indicated. Using statistical data, assessment of agro-industrial production of the regions is presented. It is concluded that agricultural development is the basis of national sovereignty, State agricultural policy aimed at sustainable development of rural areas.
51-59 637
Analyzing the economic policy in the field of AIC, the authors studied the main directions and priorities of public support for agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of current state and development trends of the industry is carried out. The problems of agro-industrial production are outlined. The measures for the implementation of agricultural policy of Kazakhstan are considered. Prospects for solving pressing issues are shown in the frame-work of the medium and long-term State programs for agricultural sector of the republic. The main principles of public support for agriculture as the most important sector of national economy are considered. Methods and forms of public support for agro-industrial complex are analyzed, where special attention is paid to government preferential subsidies and lending to AIC entities. Some aspects of employment policy in agricultural entities and agricultural labor market are considered. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were done on the importance of State regulation of the country's agricultural sector for ensuring food security, increasing the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products on domestic and foreign markets based on innovative development, creating a favorable environment for expanding business system, increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry, and financial stability of commodity producers.
60-66 793
The main purpose of the work is to justify the need for public regulation of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, without which it is impossible to solve the tasks assigned to it aimed to ensure food security, supply raw materials to processing industries, and protect the domestic market from imports. The article notes that developed countries also support the agricultural industry, which is influenced by natural and climatic factors, dependent on the problems of green environment, the mandatory use of innovative technologies in practice. At the same time, the authors believe that it is necessary to limit direct government intervention in the economy. It should be focused on improving economic instruments: taxes, tariffs, monetary mechanism. The article provides data on the funds allocated from the republican budget for financing and effective functioning of agricultural enterprises for a number of years. It is determined that the development of agro-industrial complex is interconnected with the activities of development institutions. The problems that have arisen in the practice of their functioning are identified, in particular, this concerns financial resources, issues of granting loans to agricultural economies, monitoring the progress of projects that received loans. The difficulties that arose led to understanding of the need to reorganize this structure. As a result, three financial institutions remained: "Agricultural Lending Corporation" JSC, "KazAgroFinance" JSC and "Agricultural Financial Support Fund" JSC. These changes will contribute to improving the management mechanism of the AIC.
67-73 359
The relevance of the research topic lies in the importance of development of small agribusiness entities for increasing production of agricultural products, increasing the level of employment and income of the rural population, solving social problems of the village. The system of public support measures for agricultural sector, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the implementation of the State Program on AIC Development for 2017- 2021, which includes subsidizing production costs, property insurance, preferential taxation, investment subsidies for construction of facilities or their modernization, subsidizing the repayment of the interest rate for concessional lending. The article analyzes the main technical and economic indicators: gross agricultural output by type of activity; structure of agricultural crops, their yield, incl. in small-scale commodity farms of the republic, including general harvest of grain and oilseeds. The authors have developed proposals for the use of a new financial instrument - an agricultural receipt, which allows investors (creditors) to finance agricultural production and sale of goods in small business structures; recommendations for exemption from income tax for a period of three years for taxpayers applying special tax regimes, improving lending to agricultural enterprises by commercial banks, mechanisms that allow in the future to reduce the amount of funds allocated from the state budget to support the industry. It is concluded that the further development of small business structures in AIC and their public support will improve socio-economic processes of the formation and functioning of all forms of family farms on the basis of meeting the needs of the population for food; to increase the employment rates of rural residents, taking into account the development of alternative directions based on cooperation and integration
74-80 661
The study of theoretical approaches and substantiation of recommendations for improving PPP mechanisms in AIC is dictated by their relevance and practical significance, which allow, on terms of mutual benefit for the state and business, to expand the resource base of agricultural production. The problems of using public-private partnership in the field of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed and its need for increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex is shown. There are presented 4 types of common PPP projects in the development of agribusiness, proposed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The reasons that hinder the active development of public-private partnerships in agricultural sector are identified: lack of cash; often low possibility of obtaining loan from bank; insufficient qualifications of specialists. The main directions have been identified that have significant potential for promising PPP programs: production of organic products in crop and livestock production sectors; an increase in the volume of meat products and milk; development of greenhouse economy, specializing not only in growing vegetables, but also in floriculture. A SWOT analysis of the use of public-private partnerships in agricultural production is presented, its strengths and capabilities, weaknesses and threats are shown, and, based on the results of the study, conceptual directions for the development of the PPP institute in AIC of the republic are highlighted. The following advantages of public-private partnership are reflected: the use of its mechanism will help to attract additional investment in agriculture, modernize production facilities, increase the profitability of production, saturate the domestic market with quality and affordable food, realize the country's export potential, and increase tax revenues.
81-87 363
The authors set a goal - to show the role of the formation of entrepreneurial universities as one of the elements of a new innovative model for the development of the country's economy and to recommend solutions. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the research in universities and achievements in agricultural sector, where the process of organizing a new type of university becomes necessary in connection with the current situation in the world and the republic associated with the pandemic. Higher education institutions characterized by research and entrepreneurial activities are created according to the triple helix model and are thriving in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and many other countries. It is noted that scientific developments in the field of agriculture do not always meet the requirements of consumers. Often they are not known in the educational system or may be non-competitive, not comparable to the demands of practice. Due to the seasonality of production and instability of income, agricultural enterprises are not able to finance the costs of mastering and introducing innovative technologies into production. The dynamics of development of agricultural sector (gross agricultural output, yield per hectare for the main types of crops, livestock population), the quality of educ national programs for agricultural specialties are shown. The costs of financing science in Kazakhstan are considered on the basis of ratings of the national chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken". Entrepreneurial universities have real opportunities to solve the problems of harmonizing relations between universities and agribusiness, contribute to improving the image of both parties, increasing their investment attractiveness and competitiveness in market environment.
88-101 2038
The publication deals with the study of the issues of organic agriculture development in the context of several global crises: food, climate, financial, "pandemic" and Kazakhstan's capabilities in solving them. The author substantiates the need for a dynamic public strategy to achieve the goals of organic movement. The basic principles and criteria developed by international organizations and their relationship with the normative and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered from the conceptual point of view. A brief review of the contribution of public and social organizations to the formation of organic movement in the country. The analysis of the current situation in the world and Kazakhstan is presented. The conceptual position is based on the paradigm of global greening of agriculture, when each country will strive to make the most of the available potential of land and soil resources for the transition to agricultural technologies that are safe for ecology, human health, flora and fauna. An overview of the views and judgments of foreign scientists on the role of organic agriculture in food supply of the planet's population, prospects and problems of its development is made. The parameters of the organic sector expansion in the short term have been conceptually determined according to three scenarios: pragmatic, optimal and realistic. The tasks and program measures to support organic sector are outlined. The author's recommendations can be used in the development of program for socio-economic development of agricultural economy until 2026, as well as methodological base for making managerial decisions at the republican and regional levels.
102-108 844
The research reflects the issues of providing the population of the republic with food according to the criteria of availability, affordability and sufficiency. The health of the nation is the basis for the country's sustainable development, which is directly dependent on a proper balanced diet. The article presents an analysis of production of gross output in agriculture and food products. To determine the economic and physical availability of food, prices and purchasing power of the average per capita cash income of the residents of Kazakhstan in relation to food products have been analyzed, the level of expenses for their purchase and consumption in kind is shown. Comparison of indicators of the use of basic food products by region, various categories of people living in rural areas, revealed deviations for urban and rural residents, as well as depending on the territory, income level, subsistence minimum thresholds. Differences in consumption of decile groups and households with children under eighteen years of age are shown. There are fluctuations in the structure of caloric intake by decile groups and regions. The influence of nutritional problems on the health of vulnerable population of the republic is considered. There a sons and factors influencing the diet are revealed and analyzed. A comparative analysis of achieving the goals of sustainable economic development, attitude to healthy, organic products is presented. Solving the problem of providing the country's residents with sufficient and affordable food, establishing a balance of supply and demand, improving the quality of manufactured products is an important priority of the public policy of any state.
109-115 317
The relevance and timeliness of research on this topic lies in the need to develop an innovative economy, in which AIC of Kazakhstan plays a key role. The article presents the points of view of domestic and foreign agricultural scientists, proposing a solution to the problems associated with ensuring a permanent innovation environment in agricultural sector. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on the implementation of the standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (France, Paris) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is noted that in modern conditions the fundamental document of the OECD, on the basis of which the measurement of scientific, technological and innovation activities is carried out all over the world, is the FRASCATI Guidelines. In accordance with this document, the definition of the essence of research and development work is given, five criteria are indicated that scientific activity must meet in order to be recognized as R&D. It is noted that the five-year dynamics of domestic expenditures on them and the ratio to GDP have a downward trend; these indicators are also shown for agriculture. In the conclusion, findings are made, the implementation of which, in the opinion of the authors, will largely allow the achievement of these goals. Researchers are convinced that the demand for high-tech products of agro-industrial complex is currently increasing and in these conditions it is necessary to increase funding for research and development in the republic.
116-122 504
The authors analyze the current state of development of agriculture in the country, show ways to improve the performance of agricultural sector. The AIC aims to ensure the food security of the State, characterized by the level of satisfaction of the population with food, quality of food. The article notes that in the structure of gross national product, its share is still low, and the republic is import-dependent for certain types of agricultural products. The analysis of agricultural production in the context of categories of farms is given. The main reasons hindering its development are identified, such as: the presence of a significant number of inefficient small farms, a weak material and technical base, low level of implementation of innovative technologies in production. It has been justified that agricultural enterprises function most effectively on agrofood market, while peasant (private) farms prevail in number in agricultural entities, their number is 94%, or 196 thousand units. It has been determined that in the conditions of development of market relations, small peasant farms are also necessary, which more flexibly respond to consumer demand, but they must be effective. The comparison of the main economic indicators of agricultural enterprises and peasant (private) households is carried out. In practice, 40% of p (p) f have no more than 10 ha of land and generally work unprofitably. The authors believe that large, commercial farms should be formed in Kazakhstan, which should produce competitive, export-oriented agricultural products.
123-129 391
The task of the research is to display modern method of applied mathematics - factor analysis, which allows to determine the interdependent and interdependent phenomena and processes of agricultural activity. Some of them are directly related to each other, others are indirectly. Hence it follows that important methodological aspect is the study of factors and their influence on the value of economic indicators under study. The factor analysis method is illustrated by the example of agro-industrial complex of Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan. Its performance indicators in the conditions of irrigated agriculture are presented. The results of forecasting the yield of agricultural crops are given, economic and mathematical models of the development of agricultural production are developed. A system for managing the marketing activities of agricultural enterprise and schemes of information interaction, principles and methods of modeling are proposed. The relationship between the numbers obtained as a result of processing the investigated mathematical phenomena is determined, some of them are fundamental and underlie all procedures of factor analysis. Significant elements are shown that create correlation matrix model between variables. Averaging was performed in order to smooth out fluctuations in production factors in dynamics. As a result, multivariate statistical methods are promising. The authors state that the use of factor analysis objectively and comprehensively reflects the current situation in agriculture of the region under study.
130-137 349
The authors consider the aim of the study - the issues of improving the energy efficiency of the country's agro-industrial complex. The relevance of the topic is that the studied sector of the national economy is characterized by high energy intensity and a low level of efficient consumption of energy resources, which negatively affects the competitiveness of products in domestic and world markets. The main problems and factors affecting the low efficiency of energy use are identified. The importance of increasing energy saving in agricultural sector through innovative resource-saving technologies is justified: introduction of precision farming system, biogas technologies. The advantages of their specific elements, economic efficiency, ensuring the rational use of energy resources are presented. Recommendations have been developed aimed at activating crop productivity management system based on a complex of satellite and computer hardware. The experience of foreign countries in the use of biogas technologies is analyzed, which indicates the prospects for the development of this direction of renewable energy, which contributes to the solution of not only energy, but also environmental problems. The significant benefits of operating biogas plants aimed to meet the energy needs of livestock farms and rural populations are shown. The economic feasibility and efficiency of the implementation of biogas projects have been proven, which simultaneously allow the rational management of agricultural waste. Proposals have been developed to stimulate the promotion of environmentally friendly biogas technologies in rural areas, due to the fact that expansion of the livestock production industry can have a negative impact on the environment if the industry's waste is not recycled properly.
138-146 372
The article defines the priority areas of crop and livestock production for the intensive development of industries in the southern region of the republic, considers the problems of the development of agro-industrial sector. The characteristic of production of main types of crop and livestock products is presented. The natural potential of this territory has the potential for cultivating such crops as corn, soybeans, sugar beets, cotton, and large areas of pastures. The population number of livestock of cattle, sheep, poultry, pigs, the area of pasture land, the yield of vegetables and potatoes, the volume of production of cattle meat, lamb, the concentration of meat and dairy animals in the context of regions are shown. The assessment of the competitiveness of the manufactured products is presented. Potential, targets and prospects for increasing agricultural production have been identified. Proposals have been developed for deepening specialization in beef cattle breeding, developing the industry on an industrial basis through intensification, favorable natural and climatic conditions that allow organizing outdoor feeding farms, creating zones for growing young animals, irrigation systems that ensure the expansion of crops for fodder grain. The authors concluded that it is necessary to develop fine-wool sheep breeding on the basis of intensive technologies, with the production of lamb and fine wool, using new breeds of meat merino, as well as meat sheep breeding to saturate the domestic market with mutton and dairy cattle in order to fully provide the population with whole milk products.
147-156 447
The authors of the article, taking into account the needs of practice, show the role of small rural entrepreneurship in the development of agro-industrial complex of the republic. The transition to market relations presupposes the formation of diversified rural economy based on different forms of ownership. The relevance of this topic lies in the act that the State pays much attention is paid to the development of farming and other forms of agribusiness in public agroindustrial policy. The article notes that increased economic efficiency of functioning of peasant (private) farms and their adaptation to constantly changing conditions on food market are becoming an objective necessity. The significance of p (p) f in agricultural sector of the country is revealed. Their characteristics are given as steadily dynamic form of management. It is emphasized that the organization of effective work requires qualitative changes in their activities, which are impossible without an effective, perfect system of State regulation. The social and economic essence of small agribusiness and features of its functioning are reflected. The views of domestic and foreign agricultural scientists on the problems of farms are presented. The main types of their work (financial, production and economic, marketing) are analyzed. The dynamics of the development of agricultural production in Kyzylorda region and the share of p (p) f in it (volume of gross production, sown areas, etc.) are considered. The assessment of functioning of agricultural formations is given: farm "Asan" (sheep breeding), farm "Karakat" (vegetable and milk direction), farm "Kulandy" (camel farming), farm "Madikazhy" (rice growing). Effective and typical economic models are shown.
156-163 251
In terms of transition to loose housing, the issue of herd management is becoming especially acute. The aim of the study is to substantiate the efficiency of milk production using innovative technologies based on 7 model dairy farms containing 100 or more dairy cows. The relevance of the research topic is in the analysis of the effective application of the “Herd Management” system through digital technologies and intensive feeding for raising young animals of various groups. The economic effect of the introduction of innovative technologies in these economic entities is shown, which made it possible to determine the potential for their development, to assess the results of conducting production processes. The authors note the importance for dairy industry of the transfer and adaptation of technologies for automation of technological processes for production of livestock products in dairy cattle breeding in Kazakhstan, which will contribute to the achievement of goals and indicators as part of the implementation of the State Program on Development of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021. Examples of model farms, where high financial indicators were obtained on the basis of calculations, are presented. It was revealed that the development of dairy cattle breeding and the increase in productivity of cows largely depends on intensification of forage production, organization of proper care and maintenance of livestock, the breed and quality of raised heifers intended for reproduction. It was determined that in the experimental groups, when optimizing the feed rations of young cattle, the increase in live weight of the studied farm animals increases.
164-171 419
The objectives of this study are to analyze the economic efficiency of using the method of artificial insemination of cows with semen divided by sex, ultrasound for diagnosing inseminated breeding stock livestock and diseases of reproductive function using the example of model dairy farms, which makes it possible to determine the development potential of these farms, to conduct an economic assessment of production level. Based on development materials, calculation of the effectiveness of model farms for production of milk and its processing products is presented, the possibilities of using new technologies for the automation of technological processes are shown. In the future, in research work on organization of similar model farms, an emphasis should be placed on the consideration of indicators reflecting the specifics of their functioning, as well as production and financial results of activities based on a systematic integrated approach. Currently, a significant acceleration of genetic progress in selection and breeding work is facilitated by the use of sex-separated or sexed sperm. In trials conducted in the USA on 211 farms, the fertility of Holstein heifers with sex-sperm reached 47%, Jersey - 53%. In the offspring, 89% of heifers were obtained. In Finland, insemination of cows with sexed sperm with 2 million sperm in a dose provided 20% of calving, as a result of which 82% of heifers were born, while during insemination with ordinary cryopreserved sperm (15 million sperm) - 45 and 49%, respectively. The calculation proposed by the authors is based on identifying the percentage of live calves received from the number of cows and heifers of breeding age available on farms at the beginning of the analyzed year.
172-179 422
The article discusses topical problems that are target indicators when analyzing the effectiveness of marketing activities of grain-receiving enterprise. Indicators for assessing its effectiveness in meeting effective demand with its own profit and the ability to resist competitors are systematized. The following general indicators are highlighted that economic unit can use when attracting buyers and strengthening its positions in product market - these are market and competitive efficiency, interaction with consumers, performing a full set of functions of the marketing division related to ensuring the supply of competitive products to market, supplemented by the system tools marketing. The necessity of using an integrated approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods has been proved. The results of the application of intensive technologies for the reception and storage of grain crops are presented. The matrix of distribution of responsibility of structural divisions of enterprise for the formation of commodity stocks of grain for the implementation of marketing activities has been compiled. The final criteria for the intensification of the work of grain receiving point and grain warehouse are shown: profit, profitability, competitive efficiency. The problems arising in marketing strategy of the enterprise for receiving, drying, storing and shipping grain crops are identified: organizational and functional. Practical recommendations have been developed to eliminate the identified reasons for the asymmetry of the technological process and deficiencies in the operation of equipment.
180-186 685
The authors studied the possibilities and prospects for the development of fruit and vegetable industry of the South Kazakhstan region. One of the priority sectors of food industry is the fruit and vegetable sector. The article discusses topical issues of increasing the efficiency of functioning of fruit and vegetable production, the solution of which is important for ensuring the food security of the country, since due to the high biological value, vegetables and fruits occupy a special place in the balanced and fortified nutrition of the population. The scientific and practical significance of the prospects for expanding the volume of fruit and vegetable production is noted. Recommendations for the transition to industrial-innovative way, high level of competitiveness of processing of own fruit and vegetable products are presented. The assessment of the degree and conditions of innovative development in the South Kazakhstan region (Almaty, Turkestan, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda regions) is presented. The potential for growing fruit and vegetable crops has been determined. The aspects of the current state of production, storage, processing and marketing of a group of fruits and vegetables in South Kazakhstan are reflected. The directions of innovative activity in the fruit and vegetable subcomplex are analyzed. The necessity of state regulation and stimulation of production of fruits and vegetables has been substantiated. In modern conditions, the most promising area of economic growth in the region is organization of fruit and vegetable clusters. The main directions of further development of fruit and vegetable production in the Southern region are shown for a fuller use of its potential opportunities, expansion of the effective exploitation of natural and economic resources: land, atmospheric factors, irrigation water, cooperation, concentration of capital, new equipment and technologies, provision of the region with food and activation of exports to CIS and foreign countries.
187-192 736
The target criteria of this study is to present the current state of the prospects for production and processing of milk in the East Kazakhstan region, which is the leading one in the production of dairy products in the country. The article provides a detailed analysis of the development of dairy industry in this region for the period 2015-2019 according to the following indicators: the volume of milk production and main types of dairy products, level of use of the average annual production capacity of milk processing enterprises; population demand for dairy products and their actual consumption. The quantity of produced assortment of products is analyzed, including processed liquid milk, cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese. The main problems of the region's dairy industry development are identified, such as insufficient level of production capacity utilization, shortage and low quality of used raw materials that do not meet the requirements of sanitary standards, outdated material and technical base. To solve topical issues of providing dairy factories with raw materials in the region, it is necessary to form specialized dairy farms of large and medium size, expand the scale of agricultural cooperation. State support and stimulation of the activities of cooperating farms will help to increase production of raw materials in the dairy industry in the region, improve its quality, due to the observance of epidemiological standards and labor hygiene, full-fledged veterinary and breeding work, and will also solve problems related to ensuring employment of the population in the countryside security of the country.
193-201 455
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need for creation and development of industry clusters, their promising areas - the primary link of agro-industrial complex, functioning as a single integrated production and economic system. The article is devoted to solving this urgent problem. The authors note that there is a lack of processing facilities in the republic, while the existing ones remain unloaded. The core is efficient food clusters - these are large processing structures. Conditions, factors, criteria for the organization and effective functioning of the meat cluster were considered on the basis of the Merke plant LLP "Merke Et". At processing enterprises, the researchers believe, it is necessary to master and introduce new, waste-free technologies and they should become the beginning of building integrated structures based on the principle of distributing income from sale of final products in proportion to the contribution of each participant in the integration process. Agribusinesses will also be interested in achieving the full capacity utilization of processing enterprises, since in this case their maximum share in the distributed profit from the sale of finished products is ensured. The authors argue that the integration of enterprises in related industries can be accelerated with active government support. The development of agriculture is considered in close connection with related areas of agro-industrial complex. The generalization of the experience of its intensification in economically developed countries showed that it took place in the mainstream of innovation policy, covering the balance of industries in its composition, development of new technologies of waste-free production at all stages of a single technological cycle from production of agricultural products to the receipt of final product.
202-208 514
In this study, the goal is theoretical and practical aspects of optimizing agricultural production management in the system of market economy based on economic and mathematical modeling. The relevance of the topic - in the theoretical and methodological provisions for improving agricultural sector, taking into account modern trends which is proposed by the authors. Optimization models of specialization in agriculture in conditions of irrigated agriculture in deterministic and stochastic formulations on the basis of their technological specifics in the practice of planning grain production of the SNP "Akzhar" of Saryagash district of Turkestan region have been built and implemented. The objective function is to maximize its total income. The specialization of cultivation of six grain crops on irrigated lands was investigated. The dependences of their productivity were revealed, taking into account moisture for irrigation and mineral fertilizers on the basis of multivariate regression models. The article presents economic and mathematical models for determining the optimal size of agricultural enterprises on irrigation, which make it possible to rationally use natural production resources and make informed management decisions. The results of the study are new methodologies for constructing an integrated system for optimizing the management of agricultural production activities, aimed at increasing the level of effective use of material and labor resources. The specified set of economic and mathematical models is aimed to help to the heads of farms and regions. The introduction of this approach through the implementation of optimization schemes allows to increase the amount of profit, increase economic efficiency of agricultural sector.
209-215 859
The study deals with the formation of a model of sustainable and effective development of agriculture and rural areas as the main task of implementing the State agricultural policy. The relevance of the tasks set by the author lies in considering the living conditions in the countryside as an integrated approach to the country's economy in order to diversify the types of activities in rural areas, create new sources of income. The directions representing a new economic paradigm of rural development in Kazakhstan are justified. The ways of implementing a comprehensive policy are shown, which consists in the partnership of public structures, local governments, public organizations and private sector, so that in the future, rural areas will become the most important socioeconomic and ecological subsystem of society. One of the key issues in the development of a model of modernization of the Kazakh countryside - the methodology for assessing the strategy and taken measures are highlighted. It is noted that monitoring of a wide variety of regional situations in rural settlements is of great scientific importance in creating a reliable and objective basis for developing substantiated measures to improve the quality of life of the rural population and determining priorities. The author states that the implementation of the "Auyl - El besigi" program contrib- utes to the development of support and satellite villages, which have the potential to increase the level of life and well-being of rural residents, modernize the social infrastructure of the SNP JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" allocated significant amounts to ensure employment of the rural population. The program condition in the funded projects should be startups, proposals for non-agricultural areas of expansion of activities in rural areas.
216-223 304
The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of migration of rural youth within the region. The relevance of the topic is predetermined by current problems of development of social environment of the life of rural residents. In Kazakhstan, there are trends of urbanization and, as a result, migration from rural areas to cities, which is especially noticeable in relation to rural youth. It is due to various factors: this is, first of all, introduction of innovative technological solutions in the field of agricultural management, socio-economic living conditions in villages. The article analyzes changes in the scale and structure of real and potential migration of rural youth and the impact of key regulators in Pavlodar region based on the use of statistical data, the results of quantitative and qualitative surveys of the population and experts, and the study of public policy directions. A model of migration flows of young personnel is shown, taking into account outbound and seasonal movement, and a quantitative assessment of its scale is presented. The increasing in-fluence of family networks - a catalyst for movement of young people to cities and the role of rural business as a constraining factor - are revealed. The tendencies of public policy and its impact on socio-economic development of rural areas in the region, social status of young specialists, and, consequently, reduction of their migration are considered. The author has developed recommendations for solving these acute problems, contributing not only to the sustainable development of rural areas, but also the perspectives of rural youth.
ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)