
Prices for domestic agricultural products and protectionism as an instrument of state regulation


The state of agro-industrial complex largely depends on the well-thought-out agricultural policy of the state, the key element of which is price regulators. The goal is to consider the issues of improving protectionism by stabilizing the rise in prices for domestic and imported agricultural products, as well as theoretical aspects of the price rate of its producers, labeling goods aimed at complying with the law that protects consumer rights. Methods – economic-statistical, abstract-logistical, systematic approach, observation and collection of facts, determination of absolute and relative indicators. Results – the main problems of regulating pricing of agricultural products, government programs and measures taken to solve the tasks are shown. It was revealed that from December 2021 cost of food has increased significantly. The low level of deve lopment of small and medium-sized businesses in agro-industrial complex is one of the factors hindering the increase in the competitiveness of goods and the entry of domestic producers into international markets. Conclusions – the authors state that in Kazakhstan there is a significant potential for obtaining organic and environmentally friendly products that are in demand in the republic and abroad. It is necessary to move away from the raw material orientation of agricultural exports, which has reached 70%, while processing enterprises are only 40% loaded, to attract fo reign investors to agriculture. The article focuses on the need to optimize the state st rategy of agricultural protectionism. The public-private partnership must follow the set goals and consolida ted actions to ensure food security.

About the Authors

M. B. Kuandykova
«Turan» University

Kuandykova Marzhan Bolatbekovna; Ph.D student

050013 Satbayev str., 16a, Almaty

L. A. Omarbakiyev
«Turan» University

Omarbakiуev Lutpulla Amurullamovich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance

050013 Satbayev str., 16a, Almaty

A. K. Nizamdinova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Nizamdinova Arzigul Kamirdinovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior lecturer

050038 Al-Farabi Ave., 71 Almaty


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For citations:

Kuandykova M.B., Omarbakiyev L.A., Nizamdinova A.K. Prices for domestic agricultural products and protectionism as an instrument of state regulation. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):64-71.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)