Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and modernization reserves
The goal is to investigate the state and problems in the sugar industry in Kazakhstan. Methods – analysis of industry information from publicly available open sources, scientific literature, official materials of territorial administration, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, industry experts and business entities. Results – the baseline is a conceptual model of a closed project for the northern and/or eastern regions of the country, which are characterized by significant acreage, cold autumn and winter periods, which contribute to a longer storage of sugar beets (with proper stacking of piles using forced ventilation systems). The necessity of a cluster approach to ensure sustainable d evelopment of sugar industry in the formation of a financial model is justified. Conclusions – the article presents material on world sugar production in 2019/2020, an overview of sugar product sub-complex in the republic, main beet-growing zones and their climatic conditions. Considering the problems of ensuring food security in Kazakhstan, it is noted that sugar market in Kazakhstan does not provide the industry and the population of the country with the necessary volumes. The proposed concept of the project for the northern and northeastern regions is visualized in the form of a block diagram. The authors note that there is experience in growing this crop in the North Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions with more severe climatic conditions, in comparison with usual southern regions (Almaty and Zhambyl regions), which cannot be an obstacle to obtai ning products following the example of the Canadian company LanticRogers (Taber, Canada, Alberta).
About the Authors
N. B. DautkanovKazakhstan
Dautkanov Nurlan Buratovich; Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Leading Researcher
050060 Gagarin Ave., 238 G Almaty
D. R. Dautkanova
Dautkanova Dina Rakymkulkyzy; Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Associate Professor; Chief Researcher
050060 Gagarin Ave., 238 G Almaty
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For citations:
Dautkanov N.B., Dautkanova D.R. Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and modernization reserves. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):107-116. (In Russ.)