
Rice growing in the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current trends and new opportunities


One of the strategic goals of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the formation of export-oriented policy. The supply of agricultural raw materials and food to world markets form the basis for sustainable development of agricultural sector and allow us to assess the real possibilities of the industry. Currently, the country's rice growing is in conditions that do not ensure the growth of export potential. The mechanism of state regulation of agribusiness in the Kyzylorda region has not yet reached a level that meets modern requirements. The criterion for allocating subsidies to farms should not be the area of crops, but the yield of agricultural crops, which reflects economic interests of commodity producers. The goal is to analyze the current situation in rice-growing complex of the Kazakh Aral Sea region, to reveal the problems of production and sales of products, to analyze the effectiveness of state programs in this area. The authors note that production of environmentally friendly products will reduce their cost, improve quality without increasing material and labor costs. Methods – quantitative-qualitative and factor analysis, economic-statistical, abstract-logical conclusions. Results – it should be taken into account that rice cultivation areas should be concentrated only in specialized agricultural entities that have an equipped material and technical base, the possibility of introducing innovations and increasing export potential, complete processing of foo d products, mastering rice-alfalfa crop rotations. Conclusions – in order to effectively transfer the latest technologies, it is necessary to expand rice tracts, effectively conduct agro-industrial production, determine the region's resources for export, concentrate rice fields in specialized peasant (private) farms, and effective system of innovative activity based on the balance of its tools and levers. Priority should be given to compr ehensive reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing irrigation systems with simultaneous consideration of differentiated tariffs for irrigation water.

About the Authors

A. Zh. Bukharbayeva
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zhetibaykyzy; Ph.D; Senior Lecturer

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29A, Kyzylorda

L. T. Alshembayeva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Alshembaeva Lazzat Tursymbaykyzy; Master of Economics Sciences; Senior Researcher

050057 Satpaev st 30B, Almaty

G. N. Bissembayeva
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

Bisembayeva Gulnur Nuralievna; Ph.D student

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29A, Kyzylorda


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For citations:

Bukharbayeva A.Zh., Alshembayeva L.T., Bissembayeva G.N. Rice growing in the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current trends and new opportunities. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):127-135. (In Kazakh)

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