Water resources in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a view of scientists on rational use, prospects and management
The goal is to study topical issues of development of water resources in agriculture in Kazakhstan. Methods – general scientific: logical, systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, detailing and generalization, comparison, as well as quantitative and qualitative - to assess the effectiveness of the use of water bodies. Results – the causes of water shortage in the republic are determined. Its shortage is influenced by factors such as soil and climatic conditions (on a verage, out of 5 years, 2-3 years are dry), increase of the population (in 2021, compared to 2016, the growth was about 7.0%), uneven distribution of irrigation water by region, reduction of irrigated land under agricultural crops, deterioration of irrigation facilities, lack of reliable collector and drainage networks, pollution of rivers and lakes due to anthropogenic loads. It is proved that the water security of the country depends on the neighboring states – Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. The results of scientific research of water scientists of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University on rational management of water sources and transboundary water allocations, consumption of drinking water, expansion of sown areas on artificial irrigation, introduction of water-saving technologies and provision of agricultural land with sprinkling, restor ation of degraded and saline soils, watering of pastures, using the latest digitalization models are presented. Conclusions – according to the authors, it is necessary to develop effective mech anisms for public support of water sectors in Kazakhstan. To solve the above problems, it is necessary to strengthen training of highly qualified personnel capable of searching for and transferring new knowledge, the best innovative projects in the field of the water management complex with their adaptation to local conditions.
About the Authors
T. YespolovKazakhstan
Yespolov Tilektes; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Board – Rector
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
K. Tireuov
Tireuov Kanat; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; First Vice-Rektor
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
U. Kerimova
Kerimova Ukilyay; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Yespolov T., Tireuov K., Kerimova U. Water resources in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a view of scientists on rational use, prospects and management. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):155-163. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2022-3.2708-9991.17