
Overview of the current situation of consumer demand for linseed oil in Kazakhstan


The growth in flaxseed oil consumption is due to the popularity of a healthy lifestyle, the ease of its use in nutrition, and the increased demand of food manufacturers. Flax has gained great popularity as an ingredient for various flour products, jelly, cereals, etc. The purpose of the study is to study the flax oil market in Kazakhstan, the problems and prospects for its development. Methods – industry information from open and closed professional databases, reporting of enterprises, information about their foreign economic activity, publications in scientific literature and the media, consumer and expert surveys, monitoring of wholesale and retail prices, aggregated into a single information array was analyzed. Results – a detailed systematic analysis of market offers of oil of this agricultural crop in the republic in 2017-2021 was carried out, growth rates of its main indicators, trade balance in physical and value terms, production of this type of food in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are presented. External factors affecting consumption and distribution channels are considered. The impact of quarantine restrictions due to the coronovirus pandemic, which disrupted established economic ties along the entire chain from growing oilseeds to their processing, was noted. The main directions for the sale of raw materials and commercial products were identified. Conclusions – the Kazakhstani linen sub-complex in a short period entered the top three world leaders. In the medium term, domestic exporters have the opportunity to strengthen their positions by market structuring and branding their products. It is necessary to carry out indu stry research, including development of the latest formulations of oil and fat products with the involvement of processing facilities; increasing the area under flax cultivation, applying the best farming practices that ensure preservation and increase in the fertility of farmland.

About the Authors

A. Ye. Mukhametov
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Mukhametov Almas; Ph.D; Assistant of the Department of Technology and Food Safety

050013 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty

M. V. Kopylov
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Kopylov Maxim Vasilievich; Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Fat Technology, Processes and Apparatus for Chemical and Food Production

394009 Revolution Ave., 19, Voronezh


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For citations:

Mukhametov A.Ye., Kopylov M.V. Overview of the current situation of consumer demand for linseed oil in Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):136-144. (In Russ.)

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