Digital transformation of AIC: problems and solutions
An inefficient information environment in agricultural sector causes an increase in production costs, which, in turn, reduces the level of financial affordability of food products and competitiveness of agricultural products compared to foreign counterparts. The goal is to determine the role of digitalization in functioning of AIC and realization of its potential. Methods – economic-statistical, systematic approach, comparative analysis. Results – the main trends of digital transformation in agro-industrial production are considered. The goals and objectives of the state programs "Digital Kazakhstan" and development of agro -industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 are shown. Prerequisites for the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture and their advantages are identified. An analysis of the use of information and comm unication systems in domestic enterprises is carried out. Relevant problems of modernizing agr icultural sector and factors hindering the formatio n of digital infrastructure of the industry, the i mportance of public-private partnerships in the development of projects based on digital processes are justified. Conclusions – the use of elements of digital economy by business entities contri butes to the preservation and enhancement of agribusiness, rational use of natural resources. The main directions of digitalization of AIC, focused on increasing the volume of produced and e xported products on the basis of improving the information array of data. The world experience of countries with a developed agricultural sector shows that distribution of IT platforms, using inn ovative software, contributes to the adoption of optimal decisions in the speedy overcoming of technological backwardness, reducing import dependence on a number of product positions, shortage of personnel with digital competencies, cost compensation and high profits.
About the Authors
Zh. A. AbylkassimovaKazakhstan
Abylkassimova Zhibek Anuarbekovna; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance
071407 Shugaev str., 159, Semey
R. A. Baizholova
Baizholova Raissa Alievna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010000 Kazhymukhan str., 11 , Astana
Zh. A. Amangeldiyeva
Amangeldiyeva Zhanar Amangeldiyevna; Ph.D student of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010000 Kazhymukhan str., 11 , Astana
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For citations:
Abylkassimova Zh.A., Baizholova R.A., Amangeldiyeva Zh.A. Digital transformation of AIC: problems and solutions. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):21-28. (In Kazakh)