Social and engineering infrastructure of rural areas: focus on renewal and improvement of the welfare of the rural population of Kazakhstan
The goal is to show the importance of social and engineering infrastructure for the development of rural areas, how it affects the demographic situation, income level of the villagers; to substantiate effective ways to solve problems. In the course of the study, following methods were used – economic-statistical, abstract-logical, monographic, comparative analysis, systematization, logistic. Results – despite public support measures and programs, national projects which were developed for sustainable development of the Kazakhstani village, a number of reasons have been identified in rural areas that complicate the situation, main of which are demographic processes, migration of able-bodied residents, low purchasing power, lack of water, insufficient access to road surfaces, transport, the Internet, social service facilities, imperfect regulatory and legal framework for their regulation and maintenance. An analysis of urbanization, decrease in the number of rural citizens and rural settlements due to obsolescence and inconsistency with modern social and engineering and technical requirements was carried out. As a result, in 1991 compared to 2021 the number of RS decreased by 20%, 2022 - by 6.4% compared to 2008. Conclusions – integrated approach to the development of rural areas is needed. To this end, more attention should be paid to social and engineering services. This requires the development of measures that would simultaneously contribute to the expansion of production, increase profitability, ensure the material well-being of agricultural producers, as well as the development of rural areas, creation of favorable conditions for their population. As part of the implementation of state programs, the solution of these issues should be aimed at construction and reconstruction, major and current repairs, modernization of water and heat supply, housing and communal services.
About the Authors
D. ZhenshanKazakhstan
Zhenshan Darima; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate professor of the Department of «Management and Marketing»
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
B. Rustembayev
Rustembayev Bazarkhan; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
A. Zh. Nukeshev
Nukesheva Anar Zhaskairatovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Professor Рrofessor of the Department of «Management and Marketing»
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
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For citations:
Zhenshan D., Rustembayev B., Nukeshev A.Zh. Social and engineering infrastructure of rural areas: focus on renewal and improvement of the welfare of the rural population of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):184-191. (In Kazakh)