
Means of collective protection as a basis for reducing industrial injuries in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The goal is to present the materials obtained during the implementation of the scientific and technical program, to carry out scientific research on the topic: “Risk-oriented organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring safe work in the conditions of modern Kazakhstan” (IRHOR11865833-OT-21) within the framework of program-targeted financing of the developments of the Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the MLSPP RK. Methods – overview of legislative and regulatory regulation is presented and analysis of scientific sources is carried out on composition, classification of enterprise costs, including in agro-industrial complex, means of collective protection of workers from harmful and dangerous production factors. Results – the author notes that in the Republic of Kazakhstan these aspects are practically not regulated in the safety system at production facilities, including agricultural sector, there are only general references in the current version of the Labor Law without further detail at the level of regulatory legal acts. This fact and the lack of unified approaches allow businesses to save on purchase of expensive equipment, which leads to increase in occupational injuries. An enlarged grouping of 20 classes of collective protection equipment has been carried out. Possible alternatives to the use of analytically calculated and normative methods for justification of the necessary costs are analyzed. Methodology, including basic coefficients, penalty and bonus indices, depending on the facts of injury has been developed. Conclusions – the proposed methodological provisions, after experimental testing at agro-industrial enterprises, can be submitted for legislative approval, which will ensure the effectiveness of state control of minimum labor costs for the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of relevant means of collective protection in agriculture.

About the Author

A. Koval
A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

Koval Andrey; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Director of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Research

110000 A. Baitursynov str., 47, Kostanay


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For citations:

Koval A. Means of collective protection as a basis for reducing industrial injuries in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):55-63. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)