
Agro-industrial production in Kazakhstan: issues of diversification as a priority development direction


As a result of agricultural reforms carried out in Kazakhstan, the legal and organizational forms of farms have changed, and a diversified economy has been formed. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of the country's agro-industrial complex, to identify the main problems and prospects for the growth of agricultural production, to show the importance of diversification processes for the sustainable development of agricultural sector in the context of destabilization of the world economy. Methods – quantitative-qualitative and factor analysis, economic-statistical, abstract-logical conclusions. Results – the situation in AIC for 1990-2021 is analyzed in crop production and animal husbandry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Dynamics of sown areas of main agricultural crops of enterprises, peasant (private) farms in recent years and 1990 shows that there have been changes in the structure of crops in the republic: expansion of the size of arable land for cultivation of wheat, vegetables, melons, root crops and reduction in forage grasses. A study of the livestock sector in Kazakhstan led to the conclusion that population nu mber of livestock and poultry did not reach the level of 1990. The data on redistribution of livestock by categories of farms are presented. The necessity of its increase for creation of large livestock complexes is substantiated. Conclusions – the authors note that at present, th e country's agricultural producers are facing a constant increase in costs. This leads to higher food prices. Diversification in market economy makes it possible to reduce the risks of unreasonably high costs and respond flexibly to imbalances between supp ly and demand, maintain production capacities, and ensure the growth of profits and profitability of agricultural producers. It is necessary to use i nnovative, resource-saving technologies, the integrated use of land resources, and solution of the problems of degraded pastures.

About the Authors

M. Kamysbayev
International University of Information Technologies

Kamysbayev Marat; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Business

050057 Manas str., 34/1, Almaty

A. Moldashev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Moldashev Altynbek; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Сhief Researcher

050057 Satpaev str., 30b, Almaty

G. Berdykulova
International University of Information Technologies

Berdykulova Galiya; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Аcting Professor of the Department of Economics and Business

050057 Manas str., 34/1, Almaty


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For citations:

Kamysbayev M., Moldashev A., Berdykulova G. Agro-industrial production in Kazakhstan: issues of diversification as a priority development direction. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):13-20. (In Russ.)

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