Beet sugar subcomplex of Kazakhstan: the role of natural and geographical resource potential
Aim – the article reveals the problems of import dependence of sugar products in Kazakhstan, shows state programs for cultivation of sugar beets. Sugar factorie s are characterized by an annual decrease in the share of processing of domestic raw materials with a predominant predominance of sugar cane imported from abroad (Brazil, Cuba and Malaysia). Methods – statistical, cartographic, systemic and comparative analysis. Results – the authors note that according to official statistics, the share of sugar in domestic market is 58%, of which only 3% is locally produced. The main economic indicators of sugar beet subcomplex were determined: the level of productivity, gross harvest, production volumes of white refined sugar, production capacities of sugar industry, which have a high degree of depreciation, requiring modernization of technological equipment, which, in turn, requires large investments. The main reasons hindering the development of this industry were identified: reduction of sown areas in the southern regions of the republic, insufficient degree of use of Kazakh elite seeds and, accordingly, dependence on imported ones, high costs, low profitability at a low purchase price, problems with moisture supply, technical equipment for farmers. There is a positive experience of beet sowing in the northern r egions of the country (North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Akmo la regions) in order to reduce import d ependence on raw material base, which is due to the fact that natural and geographical potential of the country allows the effective development of sugar beet production in these regions. Conclusions – analyzing natural and climatic conditions, the authors state that the black soil zone in the north of Kazakhstan is favorable for cultivation of this crop, which is of particular importance during the period of acute shortage of granulated sugar and refined sugar. The de mand for it as the most important social product in the republic is increasing.
About the Authors
G. ZhandosovaKazakhstan
Zhandosova Gulim; Master of Economics; Senior Lecturer
050010 Dostyk Ave,13, Almaty
A. Abulgaziev
Abulgaziev Andrey; Senior Lecturer
050010 Dostyk Ave,13, Almaty
A. Beikitova
Beikitova Albina; Master of Geography
050010 Dostyk Ave,13, Almaty
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For citations:
Zhandosova G., Abulgaziev A., Beikitova A. Beet sugar subcomplex of Kazakhstan: the role of natural and geographical resource potential. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):117-126. (In Kazakh)