
Development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture in the Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan


In market economy, strict competition, the urgent task is to ensure the effective functioning of agricultural business. The goal is to show the impact of entrepreneurship on socioeconomic development of the Kyzylorda region, methods of supporting small and medium-sized businesses in agricultural sector, and also to analyze the effectiveness of financing support programs. Methods – the theoretical basis of the study: fundamental and applied developments of domestic and foreign scientists, leading experts in this field. When analyzing the main economic indicators, statistical data and reports on the republican and regional level were used. Results – recommendations have been prepared on introduction of effective tools to promote entrepreneurial activity, main provisions of which can be used in preparation of strategic, operational plans for agricultural entities. Conclusions – for the effective functioning of small and medium-sized agribusiness entities, State programs have been developed to help small and medium-sized businesses, including a set of measures aimed at their further economic growth, strengthening market mechanisms aimed at increasing labor productivity, and stimulating the use of innovative technologies. At the present stage of development of domestic AIC, one of the most important tasks is to ensure sustainability of agriculture and formation of competitive agricultural production. Small agricultural business, as one of the main elements of economic system of society, is able to increase social stability of the village, support the diversification of economy and its active innovative activity. A serious shortcoming and omission in the field of small-scale production is the lack of the established system for purchase and marketing of agricultural products, as well as supply and maintenance

About the Authors

S. T. Zhumasheva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Zhumasheva Saule Tokanovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Sciences Secretary

050057 Satpaev str., 30 б, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A. E. Mukhanova
Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University

Mukhanova Aigul Erdenovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Managemen

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29 а, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan

Zh. B. Smagulova
Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University

Smagulova Zhanna Baglanovna; Master of Economics; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29 а, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Zhumasheva S.T., Mukhanova A.E., Smagulova Zh.B. Development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture in the Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):121-132. (In Kazakh)

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