
Digitalization of agro-industrial production in the Republic of Kazakhstan:risks and ways to overcome them


The goal is to reveal the need to account the potential risks of digitalization for the sustainable development of agricultural sector. Methods - economic-statistical, analytical, evaluation and comparison. Results – the directions of using digital technologies implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in agro-industrial complex of the country are considered. The risks accompanying digital processes and their impact on the competitiveness of agro-industrial production are identified. The importance of improving methods of public administration and self-government based on the involvement of business entities in this movement is shown. The role of the use of information and communication systems that consolidate the state, business and society in the context of global socio-political and economic transformations is emphasized. Arguments about digital impact on ensuring the transparency of allocation and spending budget funds are presented. The demand for expanding the use of the Qoldau Digital application platform to increase digital participation and literacy of agricultural producers, online programs for selling and buying goods and services via the Internet (marketplace) is justified. Conclusions - currently, certain elements of digitalization, which are common in international practice, are being applied in the republic. There is an opportunity to more actively use the Qoldau application of the "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture". Measures to create a digital environment in AIC, including costs of the national project "Technological breakthrough through digitalization, science and education", are insufficient and require the development of a concept for digital transformation of agro-industrial complex, covering households as a key factor on the way to innovative society. The effectiveness of digital economy can be achieved by providing information activities, learning based on real cases with the involvement of practitioners and subsequent support.

About the Authors

Sh. M. Kantarbayeva
Narxoz University

Kantarbayeva Shyryn; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department "International Relations and Governance" 

050035 Zhandosov str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan


A. N. Zhanbyrbayeva
Narxoz University

Zhanbyrbayeva Ardaktygul; PhD; Acting Director of the Scientific and Educational Department "International Relations and Governance 

050035 Zhandosov str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan

S. S. Ibrayev
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ibraev SamatThe main author; Ph.D student

010000 Abaya Ave., 33a, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Kantarbayeva Sh.M., Zhanbyrbayeva A.N., Ibrayev S.S. Digitalization of agro-industrial production in the Republic of Kazakhstan:risks and ways to overcome them. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):38-47. (In Russ.)

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