Territorial zoning of agricultural land on ecological and landscape basis
Aim – to analyze methodological approaches to the functional zoning of the territory of agro-businesses on a landscape-ecological basis in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan for the purposes of land management. Methods – monographic, settlement-constructive, grouping, graphic modeling. Results – relevant problems of greening the land use of the republic, which needs to update the design methodology for the use and protection of agricultural land, taking into account the criteria for environmental protection, are shown. Typical objects are selected – agribusinesses of the steppe landscape zone, in which studies were carried out. An analysis of the resources of this area is given, ecological stability of agricultural landscape, an important component of which is erosion processes, is determined. Maps have been developed that characterize landscape and ecological features of a given area and are the basis for territorial zoning: a landscape hypothesis map with identification of elementary natural territorial complexes, a map of ecological stability of the territory and a map of the functional zoning of the area. The principles of agri-relief planning are justified, including the unification of morphological structural units of the landscape into a single land types in terms of ecological state and expediency of using land types with implementation of appropriate measures for each ecological landscape group. An experimental project has been developed in which a territorial organization is made on the example of economic entities of agricultural specialization in the steppe zone on ecological landscape substance. Conclusions – the basis for development of land management projects for agricultural structures should be a scientifically based system of organizational and economic measures for reconstruction of land area of agricultural enterprises on a landscape basis, which implies the design of environmentally sustainable and costeffective forms of land management.
About the Authors
Zh. K. ShakenovaKazakhstan
Shakenova Zhuldyz Kairbekovna - Ph.D student; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Land Management and Geodesy
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
N. L. Ozeranskaya
Ozeranskaya Natalia Lvovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Land Management and Geodesy
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Shakenova Zh.K., Ozeranskaya N.L. Territorial zoning of agricultural land on ecological and landscape basis. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):187-194. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2022-2.2708-9991.20