
State regulation of agricultural industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of VUCA-world


The effectiveness of ensuring the country's food security, which is the basis of a strong state, ensuring the social well-being of society, is directly related to the development of the agricultural sector. The availability of effective mechanisms of state regulation is a crucial factor for the well-being of the agricultural sector. However, the global COVID-19 pandemic, unlike any other crisis, has revealed the interconnection and interdependence between the agro-industrial complex, the domestic and global economy, politics and society, which has led to a number of problems of the agro-industrial complex that contradict and reinforce each other. Thus, the need to review the existing mechanisms and methods of state support is determined. The purpose of the article is a scientific justification of the need for state regulation of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of a pandemic, taking into account existing problems. As tasks in achieving the goal, it is determined to characterize the current state of agriculture, identify the main problems, and suggest ways to solve the existing problems, according to foreign experience.

When writing the article, comparative methods of scientific research were used. When studying and presenting the instruments of state regulation of agriculture, he was guided by the method of systematic generalization. The proposals substantiate the need for state regulation of agriculture in the conditions of a repeat of the pandemic situation, increased competition in the markets, increased consumer requirements for the quality of products and services, various environmental disasters, etc.   In conclusion, effective tools for the development of agriculture were presented, according to foreign experience and the peculiarities of other sectors of the economy.

About the Authors

R. A. Yesbergen
Kazakh-Russian International University

Yesbergen Raushan - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Department of Economic sciences

S. K. Yessengaziyeva
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Yesengazieva Saule Kopeshevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Department "Management and Organization of Agribusiness named after H.D.Churin, Higher School of Business and Law

05000 Abaya Ave., 8, Alma-ty, Kazakhstan

G. N. Asrepov
Kazakh-Russian International University

Asrepov Gabit; Ph.D student

030000 Aiteke bi str., 24, Aktobe, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Yesbergen R.A., Yessengaziyeva S.K., Asrepov G.N. State regulation of agricultural industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of VUCA-world. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):71-77.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)