The experience of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan: modern approaches
.The goal is to identify the features of public-private partnership (PPP) as an effective tool for solving the problems of economic, social and environmental development of various sectors of AIC of the republic, including grain product subcomplex. Research methods – analytical, allowing to study the processes of strengthening the PPP mechanism, increasing the efficiency of public support, which had a positive impact on growth in cost of gross crop production, new approaches to the relationship between the state and rural producers; observation and selection of facts, establishing links between them; and synthesis. Results – the prerequisites and incentives for expanding public-private partnerships are considered; industry specifics and national peculiarities of using this tool are shown; priority areas and risks of using PPP projects are identified, taking into account the experience of foreign countries; factors and conditions that ensure effective solutions to socially significant tasks of agricultural sector and stability of development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan based on the implementation of the parity of national interests and private entrepreneurs are substantiated. Conclusions – based on the analysis of a representative information base, the authors state that in order to maintain positive trends in the growth of innovative sectoral structures that ensure the country's food security, it is necessary to improve existing ones and develop new forms of interaction between the State and representatives of agribusiness, including replacement of the system of subsidizing agricultural entities which is not always effective with their indirect support, with an emphasis on the most promising areas of PPP, more rational use of available resources and attracting private investment. One of the motives for the use of public-private partnership in agro-industrial production is the need to introduce advanced technologies, the lack of own resources.
About the Authors
K. M. TireuovKazakhstan
Tireuov Kanat - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; First Vice-Rektor
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
T. I. Yespolov
Yespolov Tilektes; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Board – Rector
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
N. M. Shatohina
Shatohina Natalia; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Organization of Production and Sectoral Economics
394036 Revolution Ave., 19, Voronezh, Russia
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For citations:
Tireuov K.M., Yespolov T.I., Shatohina N.M. The experience of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan: modern approaches. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):85-93. (In Russ.)