Methodological support of the AIMS for neo-nomadic way of using "smart" rural areas
The goal is to justify the mechanisms of the automated information management system (AIMS) of the neo-nomadic method of using land in rural areas. The authors studied and presented data on the problem under consideration in the framework of implementation of the State program "Strategic measures to combat desertification in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025". Methods – cartographic using ArcGIS, analysis of the activity of agribusiness objects; account- constructive - to evaluate the initial information; drawing up a plan of statistical data. To achieve this goal, the authors set the task of identifying the following problems: the need to develop innovatively active territories (IAT) of Kazakhstan; digitalization and automation of the system for managing socio-economic relations in rural areas; making entries in the real estate register based on rural map data. Results – timeliness of functioning of the IAT within the boundaries of rural administrative districts has been proved based on the availability of scientific, technical, educational and industrial potential, which make it possible to produce competitive high-tech products and take appropriate positions in domestic and foreign markets. The results of digitalization and mapping based on GIS technologies using management functions are shown: planning, organization, stimulation, control as platforms for creating the next levels of urban planning cadastre of rural areas - district, regional and republican scale. Conclusions – the received amount of cadastral information allowed the authors to make proposals for making rational management decisions and compiling a systematic list of AIMS indicators, to develop methodological approaches to their classification.
About the Authors
K. B. ZhumanazarovKazakhstan
Zhumanazarov Kasymkhan Bekbauovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Tourism
010000 Kayym Mukhametkhanova str., 37A, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Zh. K. Mizambekova
Mizambekova Zhamilya Kaspievna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Tourism
010000 Kayym Mukhametkhanova str., 37A, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
O. S. Muzyka
Muzyka Olesya Sergeevna; Master of Economic Sciences; Senior lecturer of the Department of Cadastre and Assessment
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, NurSultan, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Zhumanazarov K.B., Mizambekova Zh.K., Muzyka O.S. Methodological support of the AIMS for neo-nomadic way of using "smart" rural areas. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):179-186. (In Russ.)