
Market of milk and dairy products in Almaty region of Kazakhstan


The goal is to reveal the problems of development of livestock industry in Kazakhstan, which is given great attention as the most important area of State agricultural policy and a priority in agriculture. The need to monitor milk and dairy products market is justified by its social significance, employment, income of the population and food security of the country. The authors note that the dairy subcomplex has its own characteristics, specifics of production and distribution, conditions for achieving quality and competitiveness, taking into account the influence of external factors. In this regard, the study is devoted to development of recommendations for further improvement of domestic dairy farming sub-sector. Methods – general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization of the collected information. Results – dairy market was analyzed in terms of indicators: average per capita consumption of milk and dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, imports and exports over the past 5 years. The main reasons hindering the increase in the volume of final products and low productivity of animals: low share of breeding stock in agri-businesses and private farms, lack of high-quality feed, noncompliance with livestock keeping technologies, high level of equipment wear and tear, lack of effective links between commodity producers of raw materials and its processors in the republic, in particular, Almaty region. Conclusions – elimination of shortage of raw materials, financial recovery of enterprises, use of modern marketing technologies in food sales, the provision of rational logistics chains for the transportation, storage and sale of dairy products is needed.

About the Authors

B. Zh. Nurakhova
Narxoz University

Nurakhova Botagoz Zhanabaevna - Master of Economic Sciences; Senior 
Lecturer of the Scientific and Educational Department "Management and Marketing"

050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A. A. Nurpeissova
Narxoz University

Nurpeissova Aigul Aralbaevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department "Management and Marketing"

050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan


G. K. Baizhaxynova
Almaty Management University

Baizhaxynova Gulshat Kasymkhanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Assistant Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism

050060 Rozybakieva str., 227, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Nurakhova B.Zh., Nurpeissova A.A., Baizhaxynova G.K. Market of milk and dairy products in Almaty region of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):169-178. (In Kazakh)

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