
Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: situation in the industry and reserves for modernization


The goal is to study the issues of improving organizational and economic mechanisms of the industry to ensure sustainable development of sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Methods – in the course of the study, methods of complex, systemic and comparative analysis were used as part of the activities in the chain "State - beet and sugar sub-complex - beet growing and sugar-producing enterprise". Results – the authors analyzed main economic indicators in this area (volume of sugar beet sown area, yield level, gross harvest, production of white refined sugar, cost, production capacity of sugar factories) at the stage covering the period from 2015 to 2021. An assessment of dynamics of state investments in cultivation of this agricultural crop by industrial enterprises is made. Conclusions – the results of the analysis made it possible to identify the main problems hindering sustainable development of sugar beet complex of the country, in order to solve which the authors developed proposals on economic transformations in sugar industry, building up the potential for its structural modernization, and consolidating economic entities on the principles of cooperation and integration. The recommendations can be useful in development and implementation of sectoral program on development of sugar production in Kazakhstan, as well as for subjects of sugar beet industry when planning production and economic activities. Sugar beet is of great importance for providing the republic with food and fodder, and is also of great agrotechnical importance, increasing productivity of crop rotation and being a valuable predecessor for many crops. A high yield can only be obtained on the basis of strict adherence to science and best practices.

About the Authors

A. Y. Yeginbayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Yeginbayeva Akzhan Yesengalievna – The main author; Ph.D student

010000 Satbayev str., 2, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

A. T. Karipova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Karipova Ainur Tursynbaevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

010000 Satbayev str., 2, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

E. K. Moldakenova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Moldakenova Erkezhan Koksegenovna; Ph.D; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management;

010000 Satbayev str., 2, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Yeginbayeva A.Y., Karipova A.T., Moldakenova E.K. Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: situation in the industry and reserves for modernization. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):160-168. (In Kazakh)

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