Digital systems in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a vector of success
The relevance of the topic is due to the importance of using digital technologies in agriculture, which contribute to improving product quality, increasing their volumes, and reducing human factor in production process. In addition, digital transformation of agro-industrial complex is aimed at overcoming global challenges: increase in food demand, depletion of productive agricultural land, increase in environmental pressure, change in consumer preferences, and disproportions in the level and quality of life between urban and rural areas. The goal is to analyze international experience in implementation of information systems in agricultural sector, assess the current state of digitalization in agro-industrial production of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and determine the main directions of development. Methods – analytical, systematization, accumu-lation and selection of facts, establishing links between them. Results – the advantages and risks of using information and communication mechanisms in AIC are analyzed based on the example of developed countries. The results of providing IT developments, computer methods within the framework of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan" were studied. The experience of creating and expanding regional hubs was studied. Vectors of optimization of digital platforms are shown. Conclusions – digitalization of Kazakhstani economy in agriculture will be carried out by optimizing production and logistics processes, improving efficiency of labor market, reducing resource consumption and production losses, increasing the efficiency of R&D and is a prerequisite for the competitiveness of the industry. The study reveals the potential economic effect of digital devices in agro-industrial complex and the importance of using them in the near future by agricultural enterprises to achieve their goals.
About the Authors
G. R. DauliyevaKazakhstan
Dauliyeva Galiya Rakhmetovna – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Professor of the Department of Economics
050040 Al-Farabi Ave, 71., Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. A. Erezhepova
Erezhepova Aiman Abdykaimovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics
050040 Al-Farabi Ave, 71., Almaty, Kazakhstan
S. S. Bakytzhan
Bakytzhan Saltanat Sakatkyzy; Trainee Researcher
050040 Al-Farabi Ave, 71., Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Dauliyeva G.R., Erezhepova A.A., Bakytzhan S.S. Digital systems in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a vector of success. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):56-63. (In Kazakh)