Production of bakery products at the enterprises of Almaty region of Kazakhstan: assortment, quality, growth rates
The goal is to identify priority areas for innovative activities of enterprises for production of bakery products in Almaty region, which are socially significant food products, and baking industry is one of the leading sectors of food sector, in which it is important to improve quality, nutritional value and expand the range of bakery products. Methods – complex economic analysis, SWOT-analysis, questioning. Results – the state and pace of development of market for bread and bakery products in Almaty region and Almaty city are studied, the dynamics of their production in the region for 2016-2020 and growth rate are shown. By questioning consumers, the main criteria and reasons that guide them when choosing an assortment are shown. Currently, the market is experiencing increased demand for dietary bakery products of high quality, with added cereals. The level of technical modernization of the leading bakery enterprises of Almaty region was analyzed. The authors note that used equipment and tools are outdated, technical wear and tear on some of them exceeded 50%. Conclusions – the most important directions for increasing the innovative activity of enterprises in this sector are reflected, main factors influencing the efficiency of their functioning and stabilizing the situation on bread market are identified. With the constant increase in cost of raw materials and energy, manufacturers face the difficult task of keeping the prices of their products at the same level. This task can be solved only in terms of optimizing production costs and controlling price premium in retail outlets.
About the Authors
Zh. S. MukhametzhanovaKazakhstan
Mukhametzhanova Zhadyra - ;Ph.D; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Digital Engineering and Data Analysis
050035 Zhandosov str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. N. Zhildikbayeva
Zhildikbaeva Aizhan; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre
050010 Abaya Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zh. S. Mukhametzhanova
Mukhametzhanova Zhanar; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting
050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Mukhametzhanova Zh.S., Zhildikbayeva A.N., Mukhametzhanova Zh.S. Production of bakery products at the enterprises of Almaty region of Kazakhstan: assortment, quality, growth rates. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):152-159. (In Kazakh)