
The role of transport and logistics systems in AIC development


.The goal – ways to improve the work of agricultural transport, taking into account the dynamic characteristics: freight turnover, transportation distance along the routes. Methods – comparative, system analysis, mathematical modeling. Results – economic and mathematical model of transport services and creation of optimal variant of organization of transportation operations are presented, which will reduce their cost in agro-industrial complex, reduce raw material costs, increase the efficiency of transport operation, maximize the use of storage space parameters and guarantee the necessary conditions for saving, reduce supplies costs and maximize inventory turnover. The technique of constructing a structural economic model for forecasting the volume of financial receipts from transportation of goods is considered. The logistics process is shown, which is coordinating the activities of purchasing service of enterprises, warehouse services, and production. Regularities are revealed that take into account the control over the receipt of stocks and supply of goods, rhythm of processing cargo flows. Approaches to the provision of transport operations with definition of the main economic and organizational principles and features are proposed. It has been established that the quality and initial cost of agricultural products are influenced by various factors, the most important of which is the timing and conditions of its transportation. Procurement coordination is carried out in the process of supplying resources and with the help of supply control. The main task is to match storage capacities with the possibility of processing products for a given period with full satisfaction of consumer requests. Conclusions – the formation of a network of transport and logistics systems in the regions is needed for the growth of economy of Kazakhstan and can attract additional cargo flows, investments, and create new jobs.

About the Authors

A. Zh. Abzhapbarova
Civil Aviation Academy

Abzhapbarova Ainur - Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Organization of Air Tnsportation and Logistics

050039 Akhmetov str., 44, Almaty, Kazakhstan

G. Zh. Zhanbirov
Academy of Logistics and Transport

Zhanbirov Galimzhan Zhumazhanovich; Ph.D student; Department of Logistics and Transport Management

050022 Shevchenko str., 97, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zh. G. Zhanbirov
Academy of Logistics and Transport

Zhanbirov Zhumazhan Ginajatovich; Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Logistics and Transport Management

050022 Shevchenko str., 97, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Abzhapbarova A.Zh., Zhanbirov G.Zh., Zhanbirov Zh.G. The role of transport and logistics systems in AIC development. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(2):94-101. (In Kazakh)

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