Unification of farmers in agricultural cooperatives for the effective use of land, water and other resources of the village
The goal is to study the impact of the process of uniting small businesses in agricultural cooperatives on the effective use of land, water and other resources of the village.
Methods - monographic, computational and constructive, analytical, economic and statistical, as well as a questionnaire survey of agricultural producers who participated in the trainings of the Project on the improvement of irrigation and drainage systems (PIID-2).
Results - the practice of developing cooperation of small farms in the republic over the past ten years since the adoption of the new law "On agricultural cooperatives" shows that the creation of agricultural cooperatives for primary processing of milk, meat through the organization of cooperative milk collection points, slaughterhouses, vegetable and potato storage facilities contributed to the improvement of the infrastructure of the movement of products from producer to consumer, expansion of agribusiness in the countryside. This, in turn, made it possible to increase the income and employment of the rural population. However, agricultural cooperatives for production of agricultural products, especially crop production, the joint use of land, agricultural machinery, irrigation and drainage systems, were underdeveloped, which is explained by the more complex process of merging farms into these cooperation models. It is noted that the provided public support measures were largely aimed at subsidizing, investment subsidizing of technological equipment, and concessional lending mainly for livestock farms, while sufficient incentives were not provided for crop production farms.
Conclusions - the need for a priority direction has been justified - the creation of agricultural cooperatives focused on the collective use of land, machinery, irrigation and drainage networks, allowing increasing the yield of crops, and restoring irrigated land. PIID-2 meets one of the key principles of the Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the transition to "green" economy - the efficient use of water resources.
About the Authors
G. U. AkimbekovaKazakhstan
Akimbekova Galiya Uisimbekovna – The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Deputy Chairman of the Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
A. B. Baymuhanov
Baymukhanov Askar Borankulovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
U. R. Kaskabaev
Kaskabaev Ulan Rakhmetullayevich; Master of Economics; Head of the Department of Cooperation and Integration in Agriculture
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
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For citations:
Akimbekova G.U., Baymuhanov A.B., Kaskabaev U.R. Unification of farmers in agricultural cooperatives for the effective use of land, water and other resources of the village. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):185-199. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-4.2708-9991.21