
Institutional factors of transition to «green» economy


The goal is to reveal the essence of the "green" economy, mechanisms and factors that determine the process of transition to environmentally oriented model, a new vector of sustainable development.
Methods - analysis, comparison, systematization, study and generalization of information.
Results - domestic and foreign research works on institutional factors contributing to the creation of ecosystems have been studied. The authors proposed the formulation of the most accurate and capacious modern definition of the mechanism for production of environmentally friendly products. The article is devoted to the study of the main aspects of the "green" economy, according to which the activities of enterprises should be aimed at the rational use of natural resources and preservation of natural diversity. The possibility of its relationship with the specifics of the activities of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex has been revealed. Attention is focused on the reasons for their low innovative activity in agricultural sector. An economic analysis of the indicators of agricultural entities, including those with State participation, was done in reorientation aimed to reduce environmental risks.
Conclusions – the following actions are needed: transformations from the extensive export-raw-material type of economic development to the environmentally balanced one, structural and technological changes, sustainable pricing, elimination of ineffective subsidies, public procurement, increased public investment in infrastructure, the use of preferential lending to agricultural enterprises, regardless of ownership, which effectively implement environmental protection, introduction of special taxation of environmentally harmful agricultural products, as well as the products which are produced using hazardous technologies. Conservation of ecosystem services increases social security and increases the income of the rural population. It is required to develop agro-technological measures to produce organic food, taking into account the climatic conditions of the regions.

About the Authors

B. M. Iskakov
«Turan-Astana» University

Iskakov Bauyrzhan Muratbekuly – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Innovative Business

010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan

A. T. Rakhimbekova
«Turan-Astana» University

Rakhimbekova Aliya Toleutaevna; Ph.D student of Department of «Economics and Innovative Business»

010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan

S. N. Akhmetzhanov
«Turan-Astana» University

Akhmetzhanov Salamat Nurbolatovich; Ph.D student of Department of «Economics and Innovative Business»

010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan


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For citations:

Iskakov B.M., Rakhimbekova A.T., Akhmetzhanov S.N. Institutional factors of transition to «green» economy. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):57-63.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)