
The use of mineral fertilizers in the main grain-growing regions of Kazakhstan


The publication is a brief analytical review of the use of mineral fertilizers in the main grain-sowing regions of Kazakhstan.
The goal is to analyze the current state of their application in the Republic of Kazakhstan and grain regions, to identify the main hindering factors to develop recommendations for solving the existing problems.
Methods - general scientific, analysis, synthesis, expert-logical assessment.
Results – the article contains data on the consumption of fertilizers for the total area of arable land and for all categories of farms in the Northern region, the annual scientifically justified rate of the need, the production volume of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. It has been determined that production of plant protection products is done at nonspecialized facilities. Many manufacturers are not interested in certification of their products due to the small market volume. The study confirms the underdevelopment of the mineral nutrition optimization system in the republic due to the high cost of imported mineral fertilizers and the lack of domestic industrial capacities for their production to meet the needs of the domestic market. One of the important problems, as the authors note, is the lack of the necessary material and technical base for conducting soil agrochemical analysis. Based on the current situation, Kazakhstan annually lacks about 10 million tons of high-quality wheat.
Conclusions – introduction of precision farming technology, construction of new agrochemical laboratories, and training of relevant personnel are recommended. To receive subsidies, it is necessary to introduce a mandatory requirement for the availability of agrochemical cartogram. In the global consumer market, there is a growing trend in demand for organic products, which opens up prospects for the development of domestic production of environmentally friendly products and their export.

About the Authors

A. B. Tleubayev
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Tleubayev Azat Beibutovich – The main author; Ph.D student

010011 Zhenis ave., 62, Nur-Sultan 

B. E. Rustembayev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Rustembayev Bazarkhan Ergeshevich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty 

A. M. Rakhimov
Analytical Center of Economic Policy in Agricultural Sector

Rakhimov Adil Muratovich; Ph.D; Senior Analyst of Research and Analytics Service

010000 Kurgaldzhinskoe highway, 4a, Nur-Sultan 


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For citations:

Tleubayev A.B., Rustembayev B.E., Rakhimov A.M. The use of mineral fertilizers in the main grain-growing regions of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):104-112. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)