
Ways to achieve sustainable food supply


The relevance of the topic is due to the need to ensure and maintain the sustainability of food systems. The author's approach to solving this issue is to determine the impact of individual macro- and microeconomic factors on them. The subject of the study is a set of criteria and environmental conditions, in which the food supply system for the population is formed and developed.
The goal is to justify the dynamics of its main segments and identify the reasons that restrain their effective functioning. The following methods were applied in the work - general logical, comparison, synthesis, scientific approach.
The results of the article are of a scientific and theoretical nature and can be taken as a basis for more in-depth research. The scientific contribution consists in the systematization of indicators affecting the sustainability of food supply chains aimed at maintaining healthy diets. The practical significance of the research lies in the use by government bodies of the proposed recommendations on modernization of the agro-industrial complex aimed to increase the sustainability of food supply. In the future, this direction can be considered as an opportunity to conduct empirical developments on the influence of the factors indicated in the article on the stability of provision of food products.
Conclusions – food systems should be based on the principles of sufficient food availability, affordability of high-quality and safe products, and their consumption in accordance with physiological science-based norms. The study of this issue is more focused on global food security, increasing imbalances in the food sector development in different regions.

About the Author

N. Syzdykbayeva
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Syzdykbayeva Nurgul – The main author; Ph.D student; Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Economics

B00D8G8 I. Zhansugurov str., 187a, Taldykorgan 


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For citations:

Syzdykbayeva N. Ways to achieve sustainable food supply. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):208-218. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)