
Innovative processes in agroindustrial production: regional features of management


The current state of development of the agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan is characterized by insufficient degree of application of innovations that ensure large-scale production in this area. High risks, low level of profitability of the industry and regional peculiarities impede the growth of innovative activity. In this regard, the development of mechanisms and technologies for innovative development management is relevant.
The goal is to study the problems of regulation of innovation in agricultural sector, taking into account the specifics of the regions of the republic, to develop proposals and recommendations for its improvement.
Results - the authors state that the introduction of new technologies will increase the need for cooperation between farms by increasing the science intensity of the AIC. Currently, the technical and technological indicators of agricultural producers, the efficiency of business processes lag significantly behind the developed countries. It is shown that despite many advanced assessment and analysis models, issues related to the methods and techniques for determining the productivity of agricultural entities require the in-depth study in order to adapt to the constantly changing conditions.
Conclusions - one of the main factors in the modernization of agro-industrial production is to increase the volume of the domestic food market and export resources by increasing the quality and competitiveness of the products. State regulation, management and support form the basis of innovation policy at the regional level - a continuous process that contributes to the transformation of technical, technological, organizational ideas and developments into concrete practical solutions in order to transfer agricultural enterprises to a qualitatively new scale of development. For the implementation of national innovation projects, it is necessary to take into account the legal, economic and managerial parameters. Economic entities of the agro-industrial complex should work in close cooperation with scientific institutions; receive advisory information on possible changes in the concept of their production to a more promising and innovative one.

About the Authors

A. M. Bakirbekova
Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Bakirbekova Aigul Makulbekkyzy – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Acting Professor of the Department of Economic

060000 Stydencheskауа str.,1, Atyrau 

E. K. Moldakenova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Moldakenova Erkezhan Koksegenovna; Ph.D; Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Management

010000 Satpayev str.,2, Nur-Sultan 

ZH. S. Utegenova
Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau University

Utegenova Zhuldyz Sairanovna; Ph.D; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business and Services

020000 Auelbekova str., 38, Kokshetau 


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For citations:

Bakirbekova A.M., Moldakenova E.K., Utegenova Zh.S. Innovative processes in agroindustrial production: regional features of management. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):64-77. (In Kazakh)

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