
Production of meat and processed products in the East Kazakhstan region


The goal is to analyze the current state of meat production and processed products in the East Kazakhstan region, to determine the factors that restrain its growth.
Methods – statistical and economic, computational and constructive, balance, monographic.
Results – the main indicators of the livestock production development and meat industry in the region in recent years have been analyzed. In particular, the population number of livestock and poultry in all farm categories is considered; sale of meat of all types in slaughter weight, as well as in various economies, production of by-products, sausages, semi-finished products, canned meat, meat and vegetable products. On the basis of the analysis, the reasons for the decrease in the rate of intensification of meat industry were revealed, the main of which are the low efficiency of raising animals, unsatisfactory state of fodder base. The influence of the situation on the world meat market on the development of this sector within the country and the region is noted. The COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemic in livestock farms made it necessary to introduce measures, which positively affected production indicators.
Conclusions – it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed to stabilize the meat and meat products market by providing subsidies and unsecured loans at low interest rates; increasing the availability of trading places for agricultural goods; improving the taxation system; creation of large agricultural enterprises with a closed production cycle and a high level of processing; the increase in the rate of their modernization and renewal of fixed assets; organization of training centers for agricultural producers based on the research institutes, and universities.

About the Authors

Sh. Zhailaubayeva
Shakarim University

Zhailaubayeva Shynar – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Finance

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey

Zh. Kazhieva
Shakarim University

Kazhieva Zhaniya; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Finance

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey


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For citations:

Zhailaubayeva Sh., Kazhieva Zh. Production of meat and processed products in the East Kazakhstan region. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):152-159.

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)