
Improvement of the efficiency of using agricultural land


The goal is to find ways to increase the efficiency of agricultural land turnover using GIS technologies.
Methods – monographic, analytical, abstract logical, economic and statistical.
Results - the presence of a significant potential of unused agricultural land, the need to develop a mechanism for transferring one type to another, drawing up a map of land resources that are not in operation, taking into account the quality condition depending on the bonitet scores based on the example of Akmola region are justified. It is shown that a number of changes have been made to the Rules of the rational use of agricultural land, in particular, it is necessary to fill out a web portal for their application (crop rotations, a field history book, etc.). It was revealed that in recent years, there has been a steady decrease in the State stock and the increase in the area of agricultural land. The authors state that today there are no standards regulating their transformation and the definition of the corresponding type. It is necessary to create a system for returning unused land plots to agricultural production based on geographic information systems. Space monitoring of land use was carried out, on the basis of which the maps of waste lands for 2021 and the distribution of bonitet points in Akmola region were compiled.
Conclusions – at the legislative level, it is necessary to establish a legal regime regarding the land fund; when granting plots for land use, it is required to determine, first of all, the quality condition, belonging to a certain category of agricultural land and assignment to the category of targeted agricultural use. The lack of clear criteria for the suitability of this category for a specific use prevents the acceleration of the process of bringing unused arable land into use.

About the Authors

G. K. Kurmanova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Kurmanova Gulnara Kenesovna – The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences,Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department "Cadastre and Assessment"

010011 Pobedy ave.,62, Nur-Sultan 

B. U. Assilov
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Assilov Bakhyt Umirzakovich; Candidate of Eonomical Science; Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing

010011 Pobedy ave., 62, Nur-Sultan 

M. Daniyarova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Daniyarova Marziya; Ph.D student, educational program “Cadastre”

010011 Zhenis ave., 62, Nur-Sultan 


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For citations:

Kurmanova G.K., Assilov B.U., Daniyarova M. Improvement of the efficiency of using agricultural land. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):169-177. (In Russ.)

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