Interregional exchange is a condition for extending the specialization of grain farming
The goal is to substantiate the need for new approaches to considering the issues of interregional exchange as a factor in strengthening and deepening the processes of specialization in grain farming and agricultural sector as a whole.
Methods – analysis and synthesis, accumulation and selection of facts, establishing links between them, comparison.
Results – the article indicates that the development of interregional trade is aimed at saturating agricultural market of Kazakhstan with high-quality food products, expanding their range, reducing the total costs of production, selling agricultural raw materials and food, ensuring their guaranteed sale by domestic producers. The analysis of the trade turnover of the republic with the countries of the world, export and import of food products is presented. Information on the volume of gross agricultural production in 2020 compared to 2019 is presented, including crop and livestock production. It is noted that the previously established territorial-sectoral division of labor in the agro-industrial complex was violated, due to the orientation of each region towards maximum self-sufficiency in food products, which led to the ineffective use of bioclimatic potential, caused a decrease in production and a rise in the product cost, a decrease in its quality, deterioration of interregional ties. Differences in the yield of grain crops by regions, insufficient renewal of the infrastructure of the grain market and high tariffs for vehicles are shown.
Conclusions – the implementation of the State Program on Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021, the Business Roadmap - 2025 has expanded the benefits of specializing grain production in the country. It is necessary to revive the active participation of agricultural entities in interregional exchange, to find internal reserves for increasing commodity resources, and to search for optimal directions of cargo flows.
About the Authors
G. TurysbekovaKazakhstan
Turysbekova Gulzhan; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Aassociate Pprofessor; Acting Professors Departament of Management and Tourism
161200 B.Sattarkhanov ave., 29, Turkestan
D. Aitmukhanbetova
Aitmukhanbetova Damira – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty
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For citations:
Turysbekova G., Aitmukhanbetova D. Interregional exchange is a condition for extending the specialization of grain farming. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):88-95. (In Russ.)