
Functioning of integrated entities in grain product subcomplex


Stabilization of grain production and increase in its efficiency is achieved by improving the structure of grain product sub-complex based on coordinated policy, the implementation of common interests between grain producers, processing industry enterprises and marketing system.
The goal is to show the role of integration processes in grain farming and the prospects for their further development.
Methods - comparative and system analysis, statistical and economic, logical generalization.
Results - it is noted that in grain business entities, in order to optimize their activities, it is advisable to create integrated entities that have functional and technological integrity. The article examines the current trends in the functioning of industries and subsectors that provide production, transportation, storage, processing of grain, representing a set of economically interconnected objects. The authors focus on the importance of integration, which allows agricultural enterprises to achieve and maintain certain positions on market by solving the following tasks: creating common resources (technological, financial, marketing), corporate governance, promoting and supporting goods in order to maximize savings and increase profitability, minimize risks by obtaining guaranteed access to target markets. Domestic practice testifies to the clear advantages of uniting agricultural producers.
Conclusions - organization of integrated systems makes the economy more manageable, allows to concentrate resources on priority areas and provide effective interaction between the State and agroindustrial complex. Stable working agricultural entities are more attractive for potential investors, they contributing to the introduction of new intensive technologies that ensure waste-free processing of agricultural raw materials. To solve the existing problems, it is necessary to improve the regulatory framework, the pricing system and the financial and lending mechanism, and government support.

About the Authors

R. Tazhibayeva
H.A.Yasaiu International Kazakh-Turkish University

Tazhibayeva Raikhan – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate Professor Departament of Economics, Finance and Accounting

161200 Б. Sattarxanov ave., 29, Тurkestan 

B. N. Sabenova
Academician A. Kuatbekov Peoples' Friendship University

Sabenova Baltime Namazbaykyzy; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer

160011 Tole bi str., 32, Shymkent 


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For citations:

Tazhibayeva R., Sabenova B.N. Functioning of integrated entities in grain product subcomplex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):96-103. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)