Evaluation of agricultural land: theoretical aspects
Purpose – the currently existing market prices for land in the republic, various types of payment for it on a single methodological basis are considered.
Methods – analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach, logical, in order to ensure the rational use and protection of land, protect the rights of owners, land users and tenants, create an objective basis for setting land prices, land tax and rent.
Results – the author states that in Kazakhstan market prices for land have not yet been formed, and the mechanism of payment for it does not stimulate the rational use of land resources. There is an obvious need to improve the economic mechanism for regulating land relations, reflecting differences in the quality of soils, depending on natural and artificial fertility, natural and climatic conditions of a certain area, location of land plots that affect such important indicators as gross production, gross and net income, profit. It has been justified that the economic assessment of the land value, i.e. determination of the comparative land value as a means of production in agriculture, contributes to the development of financial instruments of land and property policy of the country, region, stimulation of investment and the development of entrepreneurship.
Conclusions – the value of a land plot should be determined taking into account all expected income and benefits from its use. In this sense, the evaluation of agricultural land in market conditions is the identification with the income they generate, which is based on the theory of land rent.
About the Authors
M. KurmanaliyevaKazakhstan
Kurmanaliyeva Meiramkul – The main author; Master of Science
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty
G. Madiyev
Madiyev Galizhan; Candidat of Economic Sciences, Professor
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty
N. R. Auesbekov
Auesbekov Nuriddin Rasylbekovich; Master of Science; Senior Lecturer
080012 Suleimenov str.,7, Taraz
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For citations:
Kurmanaliyeva M., Madiyev G., Auesbekov N.R. Evaluation of agricultural land: theoretical aspects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):178-184. https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-4.2708-9991.20