
Material and technical base of grain production in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and prospects


The goal is to analyze the current state of grain production in economically developed countries and Kazakhstan, its interaction with material and technical support.
Methods - the theoretical and methodological basis of the study includes the fundamental development and concepts of domestic and foreign scientists on the acceleration of the technical equipment of grain sub-complex, the provisions of modern economic theory, regulatory documents and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the process of studying these problems, the following methods were applied: system analysis, monographic, economic statistics.
Results - the main directions of State regulation of this sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex were analyzed. The prospects for the development of grain farming are shown, aspects of replenishment of fixed assets, introduction of innovations, new technologies and techniques are considered. The coefficients of withdrawal and renewal of the machine and tractor facilities (MTF), the average age of tractors and combines have been calculated. The industry, despite its significant potential, retains imbalances and remains noncompetitive. There is a low investment activity of foreign capital.
Conclusions - the state of the MTF of agricultural enterprises in grain sector is extremely unsatisfactory, the possibility of its replenishment is significantly lower than the rate of decommissioning of outdated agricultural equipment, which leads to the increased load on one tractor and combine harvester. In turn, high cost of new machines does not allow agricultural producers to purchase equipment, introduce modernized models that ensure the use of modern, including resource-saving technologies. There is a need for program measures to promote the development of agricultural engineering.

About the Authors

K. U. Nursapina
Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University

Nursapina Kanbibi Uteshevna – The main author; Postgraduate Researcher

410008 Politechnicheskaya str., 77, Saratov 

ZH. B. Kenzhin
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agro Technical University

Kenzhin Zhaksat Bolatovish; Ph.D, Associate Professor; Senior Lecturer

090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk 


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For citations:

Nursapina K.U., Kenzhin Zh.B. Material and technical base of grain production in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and prospects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):200-207. (In Russ.)

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