Economic potential of fisheries in West Kazakhstan region
Fish farming is the most popular trend in ensuring food safety, removing anthropogenic pressure from natural reservoirs as a result of their excessive exploitation.
The goal is to study the state of the fisheries industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and assess its economic potential in the West Kazakhstan region.
Methods – on the basis of statistical data, the state of the fishing industry of the republic was analyzed in terms of catching fish and other aquatic animals, as well as the dependence of physical volume of fish farming products on their total amount.
Results – the current problems of reproduction of fish species in closed water supply, the development of aquaculture based on the creation of a laboratory in WKR are discussed, since the region is most suitable for the implementation of the concept of a new type of exploitation of inland water bodies, the expansion of pasture fish farming according to natural and climatic characteristics, an abundance of reservoirs of various types, availability of scientific results of long-term observations of ichthyofauna.
Conclusions – the creation of laboratories and cultivation of fish in autonomous devices will allow the development of innovative technologies for the preservation and replenishment of fish resources of water basins of the region, prepare a training base for future specialists, create the prerequisites for increasing the range of fish products in Kazakhstan, improve the country's food security, reduce the shortage of fish products and provide access to the international market. The strategic importance of fisheries for the country is presented; it should be revived at a new level. The fulfillment of this task is possible through the implementation of a set of measures: renewal of the basic production assets of enterprises and their technical modernization; creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments; improving the system of long-term lending, etc.
About the Authors
B. T. BazarovaKazakhstan
Bazarova Bakytgul Temirzhanovna – The main author; Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090014 E. Toksanov str., 7/2, Uralsk
B. K. Kopbulsynov
Kopbulsynova Bibigul Karasinovna; Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090014 E. Toksanov str., 7/2, Uralsk
A. A. Aidaraliyeva
Aidaraliyeva Aizhamal Alibaevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090014 E.Toksanov str., 7/2, Uralsk
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Bazarova B.T., Kopbulsynov B.K., Aidaraliyeva A.A. Economic potential of fisheries in West Kazakhstan region. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):160-168. (In Kazakh)