
Modernization of the poultry industry as a priority area of the AIC of Kazakhstan


The goal – is to show the current situation in the development of poultry farming as the most dynamic branch of the agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan, to outline the prospects for production of products that can be produced in large quantities in the shortest period of time, regardless of the season.
Methods – verbal, graphic, mathematical, iteration.
Results – it is noted that many regions of the republic have favorable conditions for expanding the poultry sector, and the products of poultry farms make up the majority of the population's diet. The article presents illustrative materials that analyze the indicators of egg and meat production as the main areas of livestock production and dietary products with a high protein content. Poultry farms can incubate eggs to increase production. In addition, the poultry subcomplex specializes in production of not only meat and edible eggs, but also by-products: feathers, down, organic fertilizers for plants (droppings).
Conclusions – problems of the functioning of poultry industry, which is characterized by a big contribution to agricultural economy, are mentioned. Proposals on the efficient use of labor resources and production means, ensuring the stability of cash flow throughout the year, high productivity and profitability, and quick payback of investments have been developed. The stable development of poultry farming will provide a number of indisputable advantages in the future: a new level of small and medium-sized businesses, the emergence of additional jobs, the provision of domestic high-quality products, and decrease in the share of imports. Purposeful work aimed to improve the fodder base, introduction of resource-saving energy-intensive technologies are essetial.

About the Authors

G. K. Saparova
«Turan-Astana» university

Saparova Gulnar Karimovna – The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department «Economy»

010000 Ykylas Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan 

A. B. Uchkampirova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Uchkampirova Aigul Bahadirovna; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the De-partment «Economics and Entrepreneurship»

010006 Sat-payev str., 2, Nur-Sultan 

M. A. Tleuzhanova
Financial Academy

Tleuzhanova Manatzhan Ashimkulovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Pprofessor; Professor of the Department "Economics and Management"

010000 Ualikhanov str., 11, Nur-Sultan 


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For citations:

Saparova G.K., Uchkampirova A.B., Tleuzhanova M.A. Modernization of the poultry industry as a priority area of the AIC of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):143-151. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)