
Trends in the development of citrus growing in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The goal – is to identify the possibilities and prospects of citrus production in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the economic feasibility of growing citrus crops in the country in compareson with imported products, as well as the benefits for entrepreneurs in their cultivation, storage, delivery and sale.
Research methods – statistical, analytical, abstract-logical.
Results – the areas of use of citrus fruits in various industries are shown: agriculture, food industry, medicine, etc. Foreign experience is presented. Statistical data on prices, import of citrus fruits to the territory of the republic are analyzed. The factors that restrain obtaining their large quantities are summarized: increased competition from the CIS and foreign States; poorly developed infrastructure for processing these fruits, transport logistics, marketing of the finished product range, insufficient investor interest.
Conclusions – effective government support for the industry is needed, as well as updating the material and technical base of breeding and seed-growing economic entities, application of the latest technologies, digitalization aimed to increase yields, production of environmentally friendly products, creating the necessary conditions for promoting Kazakhstani citrus products for export, organizing joint trade missions and consistency between manufacturers of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and other foreign partners. Medicine rates citrus crops an extremely important place in the rational human diet, since vitamins and mineral salts contained in them are the same important nutrients as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Over the past century, citrus plantations have taken the first place in world horticulture, leaving apple, pear, plum and cherry orchards far behind.

About the Authors

G. SH. Kaliakparova
“Kainar” Academy

Kaliakparova Gulnar Shaimardanovna – The main author; Ph.D; Head of the Department of Economics and Business

050013 Satрayev str., 7а, Almaty 

Y. E. Gridneva
“Kainar” Academy

Gridneva Yelena Evgenevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Business

050013 Satрayev str., 7a, Almaty 


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For citations:

Kaliakparova G.Sh., Gridneva Y.E. Trends in the development of citrus growing in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):136-142. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)