Export of products of agricultural sector of the West Kazakhstan region: trends, targets
Purpose – the resource potential and export opportunities of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region are explored.
Methods – monographic, abstract-logical, economic-statistical, on the basis of which the tendencies and prospects for the growth of food production and the dynamics of export supplies of Kazakhstani agricultural market are assessed. The calculations used the official statistical data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Results – based on the analysis of the level of export diversification of the republic in the context of enlarged commodity groups, the authors note that there is a steady upward trend in exported products of animal and vegetable origin. The necessity of regulating the certification of goods by creating own network of food quality control laboratories that meet the standards of exporting countries has been justified. One of the important directions for solving the problem is the creation of accredited laboratories for the examination of agricultural products based on international standards.
Conclusions – food testing can be performed using various methods, each of which is highly technological to provide accurate information about their nutritional value and safety, as well as to prepare for export and conclude agreements with distribution networks. The development of competition and activation of market incentives for economic management in the branches of agricultural sector and in the commodity markets is a prerequisite for increasing their production and export reserves and entering the third countries markets with highly competitive final agricultural products.
About the Authors
A. D. IbyzhanovaKazakhstan
Ibyzhanova Aizhan Dzheksembaevna – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk
E. A. Rustenova
Rustenova Elvira Amangeldyevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk
A. K. Dzhakupova
Dzhakupova Asel Kanatovna; Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Audit
090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51,Uralsk
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For citations:
Ibyzhanova A.D., Rustenova E.A., Dzhakupova A.K. Export of products of agricultural sector of the West Kazakhstan region: trends, targets. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):78-87. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-4.2708-9991.08