
The impact of digital transformation on the interaction of entrepreneurship in agricultural sector and science


In the conditions of hard competition of market economy, the relevant task is to ensureч the effective functioning of agricultural entrepreneurship. It is quite difficult to solve it by increasing the volume of used natural resources due to their limited character, which requires the search for alternative ways of sustainable development of agricultural production, deepening scientific research based on digitalization. Purpose - the article examines aspects of integrational interaction between agribusinesses and science, its level and features, economically justified effect.
Methods - monographic, comparison and analogy, situational analysis and synthesis, systemic.
Results - the study reflects the practical experience of the relationship between agricultural science and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. It is noted that integration ensures close cooperation of organizational and economic structures united by common technological processes and stages of reproduction of the final product: obtaining agricultural raw materials, storage, processing, selling, and servicing. The use of digital technologies ensures an increase in the scale of production of high-quality and competitive products, decrease in production costs and sale of goods, and priority investment areas.
Conclusions - consolidation of agricultural business structures and scientific achievements is a dynamic multicomponent mechanism. There is no doubt that the connection between scientific activity and practice based on informatization leads to the increase in the scientific and innovative potential of the Kazakhstani AIC and the country's economy. The success of the transition to the innovative model of agro-industrial production in Kazakhstan largely depends on the efficiency of functioning of research and development sphere and, above all, the rate and quality of transferring their results into practical use by agricultural producers.

About the Authors

A. Kazambayeva
Zhangir Khan Western Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Kazambayeva Aigul – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Science Department

090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk

M. Begeyeva
Zhangir Khan Western Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Begeyeva Mira; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor; Deputy Head of the Department for Strategic Development and Analysis

090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk

M. Alseitova
Zhangir Khan Western Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Alseitova Maral; Master of Economics and Business; Economist of the Department for Strategic Development and Analysis

090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk


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For citations:

Kazambayeva A., Begeyeva M., Alseitova M. The impact of digital transformation on the interaction of entrepreneurship in agricultural sector and science. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):41-49.

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