Agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of a pandemic
The goal is to analyze the current state of agricultural sector in Kazakhstan, identify problems and develop proposals for its development in a pandemic.
Methods - a systematic approach, functional, collection and generalization of facts, statistical and economic.
Results - features of the functioning of agricultural market of the republic in terms of COVID-19 were considered. Actual data of the impact of the global pandemic on the volume of agricultural production, level of prices, the amount of demand for food, export and import of products, the effectiveness of agricultural policy are presented. The situation, difficulties and complications caused by bad weather conditions in the summer of 2021, as well as diseases of animals and poultry are reflected. There have been brakes in “agriculture-industry” chain, disruption of supplies from other countries due to border closures and deviations in the work of logistics channels. The authors point to the reasons for the decline in public and private investments to the agro-industrial complex. The inertial type of the industry is shown in terms of the typology of sensitivity to reform and independent development, which determines the low efficiency of the implementation of the State programs in the situation with the coronavirus.
Conclusions - at present, in order to reduce risks, it is necessary to support small enterprises and farms, which, to a greater extent than large enterprises, have reduced sales volumes and are characterized by the unstable financial situation. In agricultural sector, attention should be paid to production of high quality organic food; it is important to expand competition on the agri-food market through cooperative trade and distribution using digital platforms as an alternative to large retail chains.
About the Authors
A. B. TemirbekovaAlmaty Management University
Temirbekova Alma Бatanovmain – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the School of Economics and Finance
050060 Rozybakiev str., 227, Almaty
R. T. Dulambayeva
Dulambayeva Raushan Tlegenovna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Institute of Management
010017 Akmeshit str., 17, Nur-Sultan
D. A. Kaldiyarov
Kaldiyarov Daniyar Altayevich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Office of the Chairman of the Board of the Rector
040009 Tauelsizdik str., 187a, Taldykorgan
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For citations:
Temirbekova A.B., Dulambayeva R.T., Kaldiyarov D.A. Agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of a pandemic. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;4(4):23-30. (In Russ.)