
Localization of enterprises for primary processing of milk in Almaty region


The purpose-on the basis of the analysis of the current state and location of enterprises in the dairy industry of the republic and Almaty region, in particular, to identify the main factors that hinder its development, to develop recommendations for solving the existing problems.

Methods - monographic, computational-constructive, analytical, economic-statistical, logical generalization.

Results - research confirms the underdevelopment of the infrastructure for effective promotion of dairy products from producer to consumer along the production-processing-sale technological chain, especially primary milk processing; often there is a discrepancy between the required proportions between the existing production capacities of milk processing enterprises and the level of development of their raw material zones. Based on production potential of each district of a specific region and calculation of the population's demand for dairy products, a forecast for creation of agricultural cooperatives (APC) of dairy direction for purification of milk from mechanical impurities, cooling, storage and transportation in the context of districtsis presented. It is necessary to create 77 APC for the period 2021-2022, incl. 64 cooperatives for primary milk processing.

Conclusions - it is recommended to merge small farms into agricultural cooperatives. The economic efficiency of organizing a cooperative milk collection point at the district level has been justified. Based on the study of the existing schemes for location of milk processing enterprises, proposals have been developed for the localization of new cooperative milk collection points in the territorial units of the region. Dairy industry enterprises need investments to renew their fixed assets. The authors note that the possibilities and advantages of cooperative principles and the potential reserve of agricultural cooperation are not yet fully realized.

About the Authors

G. U. Akimbekova
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Akimbekova Galiya Uisimbekovna - The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board.

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty

A. B. Baymuhanov
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Baymukhanov Askar Borankulovich - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department Development of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products.

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty

U. R. Kaskabaev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Kaskabaev Ulan Rakhmetullayevich - Master of Economics; Head of the Department Cooperation and Integration in Agriculture.

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Akimbekova G.U., Baymuhanov A.B., Kaskabaev U.R. Localization of enterprises for primary processing of milk in Almaty region. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):13-23. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)