
Livestock production in the Urdzhar district of the East Kazakhstan region: current state and problems


The aim -is to study the current state of the development of livestock production in the Urdzhar region of the East Kazakhstan region, to identify the reasons that restrain the increase in the potential of meat and dairy industry.

Methods - monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical and economic, computational and constructive, balance.

Results - the results of the activity of livestock production sector for 2016-2020 were analyzed; the dynamics of such indicators as the amount of livestock products; the population number of livestock and poultry, their productivity; structure of production by category of agri businesses, as well as their share and personal subsidiary plots in the total volume of agricultural products and the population number of livestock are presented. The paper presents the potential for growth in the output of livestock subcomplex, provision of its own resources, a steady growth in agricultural production, a leading position in milk production in the region, the creation of modernized dairy farms, organization of purchasing milk from the population and selling own dairy products to other areas of the region. On the basis of the study, the main problems in the development of animal husbandry in the region were identified, including small-scale commodity; concentration of most of the livestock products received in the household sector of the population, an insignificant share of breeding animals, a low level of livestock productivity, technical and technological equipment of the machine and tractor facilities and operating processing enterprises; lack of a developed infrastructure for the procurement and processing of leather and fur raw materials. The authors note that despite the sufficient supply of raw materials and the availability of infrastructure, the network of processing facilities (meat, milk) is poorly developed, there is a shortage of collateral, and there are no typical cattle burial grounds.

Conclusions - it is necessary to master innovative technologies for production of low-cost, ecological, competitive products of the industry, which will reduce the negative impact on the environment, material costs, and effectively use land and water resources. Proposals on theoretical and practical results have been developed.

About the Authors

Z. H. Kazhiyeva
Shakarim University

Kazhieva Zhaniya - The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor Department of Economics and Finance.

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey

A. Y. Agumbayeva
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Agumbayeva Assiya Yerlikovna - Candidate of Economic Science; Associate professor Department of Economics.

010000 Zhenis Ave., 51, Nur-Sultan


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For citations:

Kazhiyeva Z.H., Agumbayeva A.Y. Livestock production in the Urdzhar district of the East Kazakhstan region: current state and problems. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):108-116. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)