
The role of self-government in improving the quality of life of rural residents



The aim is to show the main directions of strategic reforms that contribute to improving the well-being of the rural population, modernizing public administration and balanced territorial development.

Methods - economic and statistical, assessment, comparative analysis.

Results - it was revealed that despite the respondents' satisfaction with the quality of life in the countryside, the existing problems in rural areas are associated with insufficient use of production and intellectual potential, competitive advantages of the agricultural sector of the republic. The article discusses the need to improve the methods of State regulation and self-government based on the involvement of rural residents in these processes. This will make it possible to form a national model of positive socio-economic dynamics, taking into account historical experience, traditions and foreign practice. In the context of this, the arguments for increasing the responsibility of the institution of State self-government in making decisions on the effective development of the territory seem relevant. The authors note the need for the participation of the rural population in formation of the budget, lobbying for social and other projects which are necessary for specific administrative-territorial units. The necessity of active use of digital technologies in business and social movement in the conditions of quarantine and postcovid regimes has been justified.

Conclusions - improving the efficiency of self-government bodies is a complex, complex task that requires the concentration of efforts of many structures. It is necessary to introduce digital technologies to create infrastructure in rural areas in order to ensure social security and improve quality of life of the population.

About the Authors

Sh. M. Каnтаrbаyеvа
Narxoz University

Kantarbayeva Shyryn Myrzahanovna – The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department "Social Sciences".

050035 Zhandosov str., 55, Almaty

S. T. Zhumasheva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Zhumasheva Saule Tokanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Scientific Secretary.

050057 Satpaev str., 30б, Almaty

Zh. B. Smagulova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Smagulova Zhanna Baglanovna - Master of Economics; Senior Lecturer of the «Economics and management» Department.

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29а, Kyzylorda


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For citations:

Каnтаrbаyеvа Sh.M., Zhumasheva S.T., Smagulova Zh.B. The role of self-government in improving the quality of life of rural residents. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):172-179.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)