
Technologies for effective project management in agricultural industry


Despite the significant need to streamline and improve the efficiency of systemic project management, its basic concepts and methods remain little known in many sectors of economy, especially in agricultural sector of the republic.

The goal-is to study the possibilities for the development of project management in the field of the agro-industrial complex.

Methods – observation and collection of facts, comparative analysis to assess the rate of development of agriculture in Kazakhstan, logical, as well as analogies.

Results - the advantages of technology of the project approach are determined and the possibility of its use in the field of agricultural production is being considered. The assessment of the rates of development of the AIC of the republic is presented. The authors state that high qualifications, special knowledge and skills are required from the manager and project participants. The reasons for the low level of efficiency of some design solutions are explained by imperfect management activities. In the context of increased competition in product markets, increased requirements of buyers for the quality of products and services, changes in organizational structure of enterprises in agricultural sector, the role of risk management and contracts increases significantly. It shows the importance of applying modern project management methods in information systems when developing programs for personnel development.

Conclusions - the elements of project management contribute to achieving the goals of increasing production efficiency and reducing risks in agro-industrial complex, i.e. the opportunity not only to use the available internal resources of agricultural enterprise, to increase its profitability, but also to actively attract additional investments. The authors note that the most important condition for successful planning in agribusiness is a quick payback of the project, which can happen if several rules are observed: increase in the volume of production; reduction of material and labor costs per unit of the product received. There is a need for effective government support for agricultural projects, as well as formation of project thinking among the heads of enterprises and training of relevant personnel.

About the Authors

R. Yesbergen
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Yesbergen Raushan – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Marketing.

030000 Altynsarin str., 4, Aktobe

Kh. Kusainov
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Kusainov Khalel - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Marketing.

030000 Altynsarin str., 4, Aktobe

S. Yessengaziyeva
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Yessengaziyeva Saule - Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor; Head of H.D.Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness.

051000 Abay аve, 8, Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Yesbergen R., Kusainov Kh., Yessengaziyeva S. Technologies for effective project management in agricultural industry. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):75-81. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)