Ensuring food security in Kazakhstan in the context of the EAEU
The aim is to study the problems of ensuring food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Methods - monographic, economic-statistical, abstract-logical.
Results - it is shown that each of the EAEU member States has identified priority areas and mechanisms for sustainable development. The main economic indicators of agroindustrial complex, indicating a significant increase in the volume of agricultural production in comparison with the previous time periodare considered. The level of per capita consumption of basic food products of the Union member States has been justified, which characterizes the economic and physical availability of food and confirms a favorable situation in this area. The regions producing the largest volumes of food products in monetary terms have been identified; sectors that provide more than half of all production in the countryare identified. Despite the positive trends, problems that have a significant impact on the growth of production potential of Kazakhstanare identified. An insufficient level of consumption of certain types of products in the republic is noted.
Conclusions - in order to ensure the collective food security of the EAEU member States, measures aimed to develop cooperation and integration in the AIC, to create a favorable environment for increasing the competitiveness of the industry, marketing of agricultural products and foodhave been proposed. In agricultural policy, it is important to take into account the main risks and threats to sustainable economic development: exceeding the threshold value of imports; price imbalances in goods market; shortage of qualified personnel; underdevelopment of the system of monitoring and forecasting indicators of agri-food market.
About the Authors
A. E. BedelbayevaKazakhstan
Bedelbayeva Assel Erikovna – The main author; Master of Economics and Business; Senior Lecturer.
040000 Zhansugurov str., 187a, Taldykorgan
A. K. Sharipov
Sharipov Askar Kalievich - Doctor of Economic Sciences.
040000 Kabanbai batyr str., 48, Taldykorgan
Zh. S. Dossumova
Dossumova Zhanat - Master of Economics and Business; Leading Analyst.
050057 Satpaev str., 30b, Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Bedelbayeva A.E., Sharipov A.K., Dossumova Zh.S. Ensuring food security in Kazakhstan in the context of the EAEU. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):24-30. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-3.2708-9991.02