Food market of Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: trends in increasing competitiveness
The aim is to consider the current problems of ensuring food security, including the selfsufficiency of the region with food products with the effective functioning of the regional food market on the example of the Aktobe region.
Methods - statistical and economic, comparative analysis, monographic, computational-constructive, abstract-logical.
Results - the factors influencing on the formation of the level of food supply in the region and allowing the most reliable display of the structure of the diet of food products of the main population groups are systematized. The parameters that can be used to reflect the effectiveness of the action of specific types of food markets (meat, milk, bread, sugar, etc.) and effectiveness of government programs are highlighted. The features of the agro-industrial complex of the Aktobe region and the issues of ensuring its food security are determined. The effectiveness of agricultural policy measures to solve the problem of economic security of the region by regulating prices on market of consumer products has been proved. The results of the study of the main indicators characterizing the degree of socio-economic development of the region are presented. The analysis of the rate of expansion of food products market is presented.
Conclusions - the authors focus on the need to develop measures aimed at achieving an optimal level of food self-sufficiency in the region, taking into account the factors that determine the development of food market and the food industry. The influence of digital and the latest communication technologies on increasing the information security of the subjects of the food market is justified, taking into account the level of consumer prices and effective demand of the population. Practical recommendations to improve food security and develop food market in the Aktobe region have been developed.
About the Authors
A. A. NiyazbayevaKazakhstan
Niyazbayeva Aigul - The main author; Ph.D; Senior Llecturer of the Department of Public Administration, Finance and Marketing.
030000 Aliya Moldagulova ave, 34, Aktobe
Z. О. Imanbayeva
Imanbayeva Zauresh - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Finance and Marketing.
030000 Aliya Moldagulova ave, 34, Aktobe
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For citations:
Niyazbayeva A.A., Imanbayeva Z.О. Food market of Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: trends in increasing competitiveness. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):154-161. (In Russ.)