
Poultry subcomplex of Kazakhstan: production of turkey meat


The goal-is to analyze the state of development of poultry farming in Kazakhstan, identify the range of main problems and propose mechanisms for their solution.

Methods - economic and mathematical modeling, economic and statistical, dialectical. Results - the advantages of turkey meat production over other types of poultry industry were revealed. The indicators of the poultry sector, as well as the production of feed in the leading regions of the republic in dynamics from 2019 to 2021 are given. An important advantage in obtaining turkey meat is a large meat yield from one carcass compared to other poultry, this indicates a high economic efficiency. The authors note that in the poultry subcomplex, meat direction has an advantage over the egg one, since poultry meat can be sold from all its varieties. The necessity of rational use of the fodder base in the production of turkey meat has been determined. Methods of using feed, namely wet, dry and combined processing, are considered, their structure is shown. So, for example, mixes are subjected to wet processing, that is, ground cereals, grains, concentrated supplements with protein content by adding water, whey, milk, juicy feed, broth and vitamins. Dry feed consists of complete feed in granules or ground form, enriched with essential minerals and vitamins. It has been determined that the use of innovative technologies for obtaining turkey meat, such as a floor system of growing and heating of a gas type, can reduce heating tariffs compared to a conventional system, reduce energy costs by more than 20%.

Conclusions. Development of the poultry sector is socially beneficial and the most promising direction in ensuring food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Recommendations have been developed for improving the feed base, reimbursing part (30%) of financial costs associated with purchase of machinery and special equipment, the construction of modular production structures for meat and egg farms, preferential subsidies for investment activities of poultry enterprises, as well as the formation of stabilization funds for feed grain.

About the Authors

S. А. Kozhabayeva
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

Kozhabayeva Saule Amankeldievna –The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics.

Trade; 010000 Zhubanova str., 7, Nur-Sultan

N. T. Sartanova
A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

Sartanova Nalima Telqoraevna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance.

010000 Baitursynov str., 47, Kostanay


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For citations:

Kozhabayeva S.А., Sartanova N.T. Poultry subcomplex of Kazakhstan: production of turkey meat. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):100-107.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)