Digitalization in management of transport and logistics system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Purpose - the authors consider the relevant aspects of the current state, the prospects for the development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and economy as a whole, as well as the world experience of transport and logistics systems. The high relevance of solving problems aimed at expanding the scale of transport logistics, which determined the importance of choosing this research topic.
Methods - economic assessment on the basis of which, the basic principles and measures for the implementation of the State program "Digital Kazakhstan" are presented; the feasibility and significance of the project for the functioning of transport enterprisesis shown; analytical – in monitoring the current situation in transport industry; a systematic approach that allows to identify the effectiveness of management processes when using innovative mechanisms that contribute to the growth of the competitiveness of domestic agro-industrial production.
Results - in recent years, close attention has been paid to the development of a single national transport system, modernization of all its elements, increasing the sustainable operation of transport complex, providing sustainable services to agricultural sector as a priority sector of country, its integration into the world economic community. The authors state that the trend towards digitalization of transport and logistics services sets new standards for all market participants. The main directions of traffic management are summarized, and the integrated digital platform is characterized by a high degree of transparency and traceability of the food supply chain.
Conclusions - the assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of transport and logistics systems based on the widespread use of digital information and communication technologies for planning, monitoring and control of all procedures delivery of goods from manufacturers to end consumers is done. Improving logistics functions in agricultural sector is a key catalyst for the growth of the logistics sector in most countries.
About the Authors
К. А. KirdasinovaKazakhstan
Kirdasinova Kasia – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Management Department.
010008 Satpaev str.,2, Nur-Sultan
М. B. Tolysbayeva
Tolysbaeva Madina - Ph.D student of the Innovation Management specialty.
010008 Satpaev str.,2, Nur-Sultan
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Kirdasinova К.А., Tolysbayeva М.B. Digitalization in management of transport and logistics system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(3):51-57.