Agricultural entrepreneurship of Akmola region of Kazakhstan on the background of pandemic
The aim of the study is to study the state of agricultural entrepreneurship in Akmola region of Kazakhstan in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Objectives – to identify its consequences for agriculture in the region. Results – the ways of combating them, measures of public support of enterprises for sustainable development of the republic's economy are shown. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected agricultural sector, forcing States to close borders. There are also food shortages in other countries such as Europe and North America, as well as a shortage of specialists caused by the emergence of new barriers to cheap labor on farms. Based on the use of economic and statistical method, the data of indicators "The share of gross value added of small and medium-sized businesses in the GRP of the regions of Kazakhstan" for Akmola region for 2019-2020, the structure of operating small and medium-sized agribusiness entities, exports and imports in trade with all States are presented. Based on the analysis, a steady growth was noted in the field of agro-industrial production of Akmola region. The pandemic has affected different sectors of economy in different ways. With regard to food essential goods, such strict restrictions have not been introduced. According to statistics, for the six months of 2021, agricultural production increased by 2.4% compared to the same period last year. Conclusions – as a result of the research, it was determined that in Akmola region the growth of agricultural enterprises was about 13%. This is the highest figure in the last 10 years. During the crisis, agroindustrial complex has become the main factor holding back inflation.
About the Authors
M. B. KuandykovaKazakhstan
Kuandykova Marzhan Bolatbekovna – Ph.D student
050013 Satbayev str., 16a, Almaty, Kazakhstan
L. A. Omarbakiyev
Omarbakiуev Lutpulla Amurullamovich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of Department of Finance
050013 Satbayev str., 16a, Almaty, Kazakhstan
M. K. Kamysbayev
Kamysbayev Marat, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of Department of Economics and Business
050040 Manasa str., 34/1, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Kuandykova M.B., Omarbakiyev L.A., Kamysbayev M.K. Agricultural entrepreneurship of Akmola region of Kazakhstan on the background of pandemic. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):123-129.