
Sustainable economic development of agritourism based on the example of the North Kazakhstan region


As the goal of the study, one of the relevant modern problems of rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan is noted ensuring sustainable economic development of agritourism, which should become one of the key drivers of the regional economy. Objectives – to study aspects of sustainable agricultural tourism based on the example of the North Kazakhstan region. Results – the scientific points of view of Kazakhstani and foreign authors, offering solutions to issues related to the efficiency and feasibility of agritourism ecosystem are presented; key indicators and methodological approaches to assess the promotion of agritourism are identified; a matrix of the main directions for further expansion of the tourism industry in North Kazakhstan was developed; econometric dependences reflecting the dynamics of the number of agrotourists in the region in 2016-2020 are shown. Based on the calculation of autocorrelation coefficient of the residuals and the average approximation error, a conclusion was made about the optimal use of the constructed dependencies in the economy in order to ensure the sustainable development of agricultural tourism sector in the region. The research methodology is associated with the analysis that characterizes the introduction and acquaintance with the peculiarities of rural life, the activities of peasant farms. In the opinion of the authors, the conclusions will largely help to achieve the stated goals and objectives. Researchers are convinced that particularly rural tourism business that should become one of the main imperatives for the development of a modern village in the republic, contributing to a sustainable increase in the quality and standard of living of the population living in rural areas, raising the balance of payments and total exports, and increasing employment of rural residents, ensures food security of the country.

About the Authors

D. N. Shaikin
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Shaikin Dinmukhammed Nurlanovich – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department "Economics  and  Accounting"

150000 Pushkin str.,86, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan

D. O. Abutalip
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Abutalip Daniayr Oraltaiuly; Ph.D student; Teacher of the Department "Economics and Accounting"

150000 Pushkin str.,86, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan

A. Zh. Bekmatova
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Bekmatova Azhar Zhomartovna; Ph.D student; Teacher of the Department "Economics and Accounting"

150000 Pushkin str.,86, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Shaikin D.N., Abutalip D.O., Bekmatova A.Zh. Sustainable economic development of agritourism based on the example of the North Kazakhstan region. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):79-85.

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