
Integration processes – the component of the effective implementation of public-private partnerships


The aim is to justify proposals for improving public-private partnership for the development of grain product sub-complex. The implementation of effective forms of production and economic activity requires an increase in the volume of products in various sectors of economy of Kazakhstan. Research methods contribute to the integration of commodity producers, combining the links of reproduction cycle in technological chain into a single complex from the availability of raw materials to production of finished goods. Results – it was noted that integrated entities, formed on the basis of the principles of public-private partnership, achieve a high level of efficiency and competitiveness. It is shown that in modern economic conditions, the functioning mechanism of PPP in sectors of agriculture, industry, providing production, transportation, storage and processing of grain in the republic, does not allow to fully systematically carry out largescale innovation processes. The in-depth systematization and analysis of the experience of using the mechanism of public-private partnership in grain complex, both by domestic and foreign producers who have achieved high results in this area, are required for the successful implementation of such projects, since grain industry has its own specific features. Conclusions – during the functioning of economic entities at the stage of grain processing, inter-industry relations in technological interaction are improved from product output to sale with distribution of value added. At the same time, an important direction of economic policy for activating the innovative vector of development, creating a competitive business is to ensure an equivalent intersectoral exchange, the formation of a pricing policy. The public-private partnership model greatly contributes to the achievement of the strategic goals of the regions, creating positive trends in the economic development of the territories.

About the Authors

K. M. Tireuov
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Tireuov Kanat, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; First Vice-Rector

050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan

S. K Mizanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Mizanbekova Salima, Doctor of Economic Sciences RK, Doctor of Economic Sciences RF, Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness

050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan

L. T. Pechenaya
Moscow State University of Food Production

Pechenaya Lyudmila; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of Socio-Economic Systems

125080 Volkolamsk highway, 11, Moscow, Russia


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Tireuov K.M., Mizanbekova S.K., Pechenaya L.T. Integration processes – the component of the effective implementation of public-private partnerships. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):70-78.

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